Отзывы на TunnelBear VPN
TunnelBear VPN от TunnelBear, LLC
Отзывы Пользователь Firefox 13994127
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от Пользователь Firefox 13994127, 6 лет назадSigned in, verified my email, but still every time I click the extension just takes me to the webpage of my profile. Great. What am I meant to do with that? Useless.
Ответ разработчика
размещено 6 лет назадRawr, that's no good! Are you clearing your cache/cookies automatically by any chance? The extension relies on a browser cookie to keep you logged in, so if this is the case, you won't remain signed in. If not, please get in touch with support at https://help.tunnelbear.com/hc/en-us, they can help investigate this issue further for you!