Отзывы на Selection Context Search
Selection Context Search от ContainersOnTheGo
Отзывы Пользователь Firefox 12402356
Оценено на 5 из 5
от Пользователь Firefox 12402356, 7 лет назадPretty decent replacement for Context Search X, however, I'd be nice if you could add the option to show certain search engines directly under the context menu instead of always having to use a submenu.
Changed rating to reflect dev comment, thanks.
Changed rating to reflect dev comment, thanks.
Ответ разработчика
размещено 7 лет назадI would like too to implement this but the new add-on model is more restrictive and doesn't allow more then one context menu.
The old add-ons with multiple context menus will stop working in a few months, starting with Firefox 57.
Can you please change the 4/5 rating as the feature you wish for cannot be implemented.
Please let me know if you would like some features implemented.
The old add-ons with multiple context menus will stop working in a few months, starting with Firefox 57.
Can you please change the 4/5 rating as the feature you wish for cannot be implemented.
Please let me know if you would like some features implemented.