Отзывы на Firefox Relay
Firefox Relay от Mozilla Firefox
72 отзыва
- Оценено на 2 из 5от SOURCE INDEX, 4 месяца назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 14235222, 5 месяцев назадThis is a good idea. I faced the issue that on one site alone, I used up 3 of the 5 free email relay addresses. I clicked to use the ONE that I knew I'd setup initially, then went to next line in enter a p/w and r clicked use a second, and finally seeing that the first entry was not my initial relay address> I right clicked using up the last of the five. Now, I hope that deleting all 3 will return those to the fold, since not a ONE of them was actually used. My thought was that you generated a relay and that it was open until I closed it, thus to be used as needed so my real address was kept away from places that didn't really need it.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от matastic, 6 месяцев назадCrashes JS functionality of certain sites, like size option picker @ https://www.zalando.hr/hugo-dyerh-tenisice-black-hu712o08z-q11.html
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13428386, 8 месяцев назадj'aurai préferer que ce soit 10 et non 5 adresses gratuites. Tant pis.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Pollux, 8 месяцев назадSome site functionalities are blocked or slowed down, for example with this link: https://www.zalando.fr/bullboxer-derbies-black-bu212m05p-q11.html, do the test with and without the module by reloading the page , we see that with the module activated, that the main view window takes a long time to load, moving with the mouse to move the image does not work correctly, the zoom does not work, etc...
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18174153, 9 месяцев назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от SwitcHiro, 9 месяцев назадUne grosse limite avec la version gratuite est qu'il est impossible de confirmer son alias après une inscription sur une newsletter par exemple. si j'ai bien compris, il faut être client premium pour bénéficier de l'option "réponse" donc "confirmer son identité ? Cela rend le service inutile. C'est très décevant, voir trompeur, risqué sinon dangereux pour les utilisateurs novices et naïfs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Dan MESLAY, 10 месяцев назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18122067, год назадI've no idea how we're supposed to respond to the set up pages, also what if we have more than one email address, does it work for more than 1 email address? What about configuring for me and spouse? ... Thanks...
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18104150, год назадNo option for button presence in forms, so it conflicts with another extension, the more useful password manager extension. Uninstalled.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 17511331, год назадWe used to be able to customize keyboard shortcuts for this extension and now no longer appear to be able to do so, please fix this; your default shortcuts conflict with other extensions
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 17854803, год назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 15660766, год назадGreat you get free masks (earns a second star). Way too many features don't work! trying to use icon to insert addresses only returns 'undefined' & I have to visit the relay page to copy an alias, where the nicknames I've set for aliases DOES NOT show. A Mozilla add-on in a Mozilla browser & it's just broken
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 12308451, год назадCHE COSA SIGNIFICA : " La tua richiesta non può essere elaborata
Si è verificato un problema con la tua richiesta. Cercheremo di risolverlo al più presto." IO CHIEDO A GOOPGLE O FIRFOX CHI E' IL RESPOSABILE DI RETTIFICARE eE RISOLVERE IL PROBLEMA ADDOTTO GRAZIE - Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 14889021, год назадhave no idea what's up with Relay addon? It's too complicated for an 83 yr old person. No good for me!
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Arnolduz, год назадSlows my FF in Ubuntu mate / HP 250 down with the approximate length of a day... Good intention, poorly probed...
But another thing...
Try not to venture in trying to scrape some funds out of the pockets of your Netizens by pushing fear: "This means if just one account is hacked, every account using the same email address could also be at risk." I Mean, It is only that I'm blind as a bat in this time of night, but otherwise I really would have thrown my Vic-20 ... just right after I read your priceless explaining that "you too, and you, and you, and you and (...) all get to make free many online Horpa (kidding) accounts!"
Throwing the Vic-20 equals the ages that these scare tactics of ´'H A C K E R S΅ - aarrgghh!" already exist in the homecomputiverse, hi Datacrime II, that the diginoobians time and again need to be saved from, even more, their scarcely hard-earned money and other future assets...
Anyway, you know the beat, scamming is sadly a human trait. But, just keep your cool.
Don't buy solutions to problems the very seller needs your help for to save the world from, you unsung hero, and just a little of your money too, but eternal fame and fortune will be thereafter yours for equally the both of you! Well, maybe just a tiny winey little-bitty more equal for him than you, but then hey, he created this really serial problem out of nothing, and that is almost as hard as hitting a real goldmine!
in stead of scaring Firefox users into buying draining monthly subscriptions to your Holy Grails as to hide and protect themselves from total assimilation, which of course will prove to be utterly futile in the end, you better don't pursue this faulty fearsome business at the side. Stick to your corebusiness. Remember where you came from, don't make the creators of Netscape cry over your mistakenly going astray and spilling valuable time and resources to monetizing irrelevant modules.
Live on and prosper!
Greetz! Arnolduz
(first listed on a TI 99/4A in 1982) - Оценено на 2 из 5от MERTENS LUC, год назад
Ответ разработчика
размещено год назадHey Damon! Can you elaborate on what's not working? We'd love to solve this for you.
Without knowing all the details, go to https://relay.firefox.com and log out and log back in on the browser with the add-on installed.- Оценено на 2 из 5от STP Design, год назадJ'ai visité et fait test Anonymement sur la pageweb ''brilliant.org''. Puis sans mon consentement ''Firefox Relay'' a transmis mon adresse email à ''Brilliant.org'' puis via Relay, le lendemain ils m'ont envoyé un paquet d'email d'abonnement pour leur client (Brilliant.org) afin je leur achete un de leur plan d'abonnement... Firefox Relay transmet votre email pour du commercial, ou FirefoxRelay vous envoi des email commercial ciblé non consenti....
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13123653, год назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от ElectrifyThunder, 2 года назадlots and lots of paywalls... And its a subscription, no thanks.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Charlie, 2 года назадè facile aprire gli alias ma non inviano le email alla principale, ho provato a scrivere all'alias ma non è successo nulla
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 14444892, 2 года назадWie kann man einen Email Relay Service aufbauen und dann auch noch Geld fordern, wenn der Service nicht mal in den eigenen Mobile Browser auf iOS integriert ist?? Wie kann man sowas halbgares auf den Markt werfen, wenn man bereits Browser-Hersteller ist. Für mich leider unnutzbar, so lange sich das nicht ändert. Apple macht es mal wieder grandios vor, wie es zu laufen hat. Ich wechsele doch nicht jedes Mal das Tab, öffne die Relay URL, um dann die neue Adresse zu generieren.... Welcher Product Owner hat sich sowas ausgedacht?
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 14269455, 2 года назад