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Отзывы George
Оценено на 1 из 5
от George, 3 года назадThe new version 4.2.0 is terrible!
It does not display the images in the text which are necessary in most cases. It does not display headings in paragraphs. It also adds bits of text that are not in the original.
I went back to the old version 3.2.0 which was one of my favourites.
It does not display the images in the text which are necessary in most cases. It does not display headings in paragraphs. It also adds bits of text that are not in the original.
I went back to the old version 3.2.0 which was one of my favourites.
Ответ разработчика
размещено 3 года назадWe have restored the previous content selection algorithm in version 5.0.0 which should fix this. If you are happy about the extension now, please consider revising your rating.