Отзывы на Greasemonkey
Greasemonkey от Anthony Lieuallen
34 отзыва
- Оценено на 2 из 5от jollyD, 7 лет назадVery much useless and LOST INTEGRATION TO FIREFOX like what the GECKO GREASEMONKEY can do!!!!
I suggest to the dev to just drop support to chromeFOX as there are other mature chrome based "EXTENSIONS" like Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey though I'm leaning more on Violentmonkey as it is "lighter" and doesn't hang the browser compared to the heavyweight Tampermonkey.
Most of the "POWERFUL" GECKO ADD-ONS became DUMB DOWN version of them..... Hence no hope of getting those goody functionalities that GECKO has provided specially their ex ADD-ONS. - Оценено на 2 из 5от tipar, 7 лет назадSome scripts stopped working and I do not really understand if I am actually making use of it. Thinking of unistalling it.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13481780, 7 лет назадI give it 2 because I ever love GM so much (even help report bug here and there in the past) but I can't bear current version.. really now it just 0 star. The main programming design rule is backward-compatibility. There's none for GM. If you're some basic script 'user' this is ok if all of your few script owner update script. But for developer current stage is really bad. There's no local script setup even drag-drop file not work. There's no visible local storage script directory so I can junction it to my cloud directory and sync between each PC or easy access the script manually. You can only download someone script and edit it as many user point out. The 2 stars for some user to give it a try because I ASSUME it can still run new script installed from web which write for it.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13452047, 7 лет назадSeems rushed... So far non of my scripts is working, almost no UI at all...... Other than the dropdown showing installed scripts without any customization
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Harry Haller, 7 лет назадI appreciate the WebExtension efforts of the greasemonkey team. But now I am rating the status quo after the Quantum update, which is quite confusing. Many of my own user scripts are not available anymore. Most of them are extremely simple (e.g. getElementById an change its value). I don't know why they are not shown in the GM list. I can only edit them on the system level, but even if I comment out the complete code, the scrips are not available in GM's list. How can I import them? Where ist the "add user script" command? I guess, I shoud try Tampermonkey, instead.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Tomek(DemoNCS), 7 лет назадGreasemonkey od wersji 4.0 stracił w moich oczach, dlaczego?
- Brak możliwości Tworzenia nowych skryptów
- Brak możliwości instalacji *user.js bez www , teraz jest przymus by hostować na serwerze www lub localhost!
- Po instalacji user.js z localhost(www nie mam i nie chcę), okazuje się że nie można zlokalizować zainstalowanego skryptu na dysku, to oznacza brak możliwości zachowania kopii zapasowej wybranej części profilu.
- Po tych mękach dodatkowo trzeba dopisywać biblioteki których wersja 3.17 nie potrzebowała w skrypcie, ale 4.0 potrzebuje bo nie potrafi to co starsza wersja.
Wersja 3.17 za to ma u mnie maks Ocenę i spory Plus +++++.
Tak samo jak FireFox 57, nie da się używać, tak samo jak Greasemonkey 4.0 odpada.
Polecam FireFox 56.0.0 , 56.0.1 lub 56.0.2 i Add-on Greasemonkey 3.17. - Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13432384, 7 лет назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от JUANMA7, 7 лет назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13411364, 7 лет назад