Отзывы на Ghostery – Конфиденциальный Блокировщик Рекламы
Ghostery – Конфиденциальный Блокировщик Рекламы от Ghostery
Ответ Sternchen
Ответ разработчика
размещено 9 месяцев назадHi there, if possible please reach out to support@ghostery.com with more details. We would be happy to help fix the issue if provided with more details.
What we know at the moment is that sometimes Youtube shows the message "You're offline. Check your connection." Simply reloading the page helps fix this based on our research.
Ghostery Team
What we know at the moment is that sometimes Youtube shows the message "You're offline. Check your connection." Simply reloading the page helps fix this based on our research.
Ghostery Team