Отзывы на AdBlock for Firefox
AdBlock for Firefox от AdBlock
Отзывы Jack Benbow
Ответ разработчика
размещено 9 месяцев назадHi, AdBlock is available to use for free. You can learn more here: https://helpcenter.getadblock.com/hc/en-us/articles/9738522879763-Do-I-have-to-pay-for-AdBlock — Kat C., AdBlock Support
3 398 отзывов
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 14666481, 4 дня назад
- Оценено на 1 из 5от Luiz, 4 дня назадWhy would an ad blocker require access to "my data across ALL websites"? Beats me. If that changes, I might reconsider. Peace.
- Оценено на 1 из 5от helloWolrd418, 8 дней назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18809490, 11 дней назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18809457, 11 дней назадFantastic tool. Unfortunately, Since about a year YouTube is intelligent enough to see that adblocker software is installed and then even blocks your access to them.
So do a few other sites I use this tool with.
Would be great if AdBlock finds a compromise/way to maybe allow a certain amount of ads and then block others.
I really hate YouTube for forcing people to pay Premium. - Оценено на 2 из 5от binglosmuck, 11 дней назадfrequent popup tabs begging for money defeats the purpose of the goddamn addon. it was fine when it was every few months but the current frequency has me disabling this. CUT IT OUT
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 12579719, 17 дней назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 13081741, 20 дней назад
- Оценено на 4 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18785303, 20 дней назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18780936, 22 дня назад
- Оценено на 3 из 5от Seraphael, 23 дня назадAllowing ads on specific YouTube channels rarely works as expected - in fact, it very often has the opposite effect. Ads frequently play on channels that haven't enabled them, while failing to appear on channels you want to support with ads.
- Оценено на 2 из 5от profjay2, месяц назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Mark Kevin, месяц назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Faizuan Zainal, месяц назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18766081, месяц назад
- Оценено на 2 из 5от Wagner, месяц назад"chegou no firefox" SEMPRE existiu para firefox, demorou mesmo pra chegar pro chrome que veio só 7 anos depois da versão do fire.
o certo é falar que voltou para o firefox, pois viram que o navegador nutellinha da google ta flopando, que o povo sem noção demora pra perceber algo que a gente percebe no primeiro dia. - Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18757328, месяц назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от helyot, месяц назад
- Оценено на 5 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 14951421, месяц назад
- Оценено на 1 из 5от Пользователь Firefox 18748128, 2 месяца назад
- Оценено на 1 из 5от Fyralon, 2 месяца назадHas not blocked advertising on YouTube for about 6 days. On the contrary, it automatically switches on that advertising is allowed on YT.Although I have clearly set to block them
Ответ разработчика
размещено месяц назадWhen we detect YouTube's anti-adblocking warning, we will automatically pause AdBlock so you can continue watching without disruption. The pause is temporary, so if you leave YouTube and return later, it will remain unpaused until the warning is detected again. We believe YouTube will only attempt to show you the wall for a day or two, and then we can go back to blocking ads as normal. — Kat C., AdBlock Support