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Mais deste artista


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Invader Supernova

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The color electric blue really suits this design. After reading a previous review about the text shade, I want to ask you NOT to change it!! Perhaps the other user doesn't realize that some artists WANT the lettering to disappear. This is so that MORE of the art is shown on screen. Besides most users know what the text reads due to years of repetition. Great work, keep it up! Thanks!

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas por C.R.McL. em Nov. 6, 2016

very nice, i like it very much :D

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas por The Dead Hawk em Nov. 9, 2013

Can't read toolbars very well with this, You need to update or make a new version of this that changes bookmarks/tabs/menu in white or find another color that works better than black. just my opinion but thought I would give my Input.
PS: If you fixed the Text issue then I would probably give a four star rating as I really like the designs a pictures.

Avaliado com 2 de 5 estrelas por LooneyTuneyWolfy em Ago. 22, 2012

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