Clamor - Comment Anywhere
Comment Anywhere with Clamor: A Private, Anonymous Web Layer.
12 utilizadores
Lemmy Language memorizer
Remembers your last used language in a lemmy post so you don't have to select it again!
12 utilizadores
Save 15 seconds generating secure passwords via cryptography, by clicking a button instead of googling it!
12 utilizadores
Unlimited WhatsApp Group Links
Join, search and share unlimited WhatsApp group links. No limit, no restriction.
12 utilizadores
True Ignore (for EXBO Forum)
Теперь игнорируемые пользователи точно будут скрыты от ваших глаз!
11 utilizadores
Get Joke Extension
Get Joke Extension is a simple web extension to get random jokes. Press the button for funny jokes to cheer you up!
10 utilizadores
Makes <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> better by adding advanced features to the forum.
10 utilizadores
Currency Exchange Extension
A simple and fast currency converter that allows users to convert between various currencies using real-time exchange rates. Easily select currencies, view updated rates, and perform conversions with a single click.
9 utilizadores
CrunchyComments - Comments for Crunchyroll
Bring back comments to your series
9 utilizadores
PassLok Privacy
High security asymmetric encryption for text, files and chat. You keep the Key secret and give out the matching Lock
9 utilizadores
Context RepuTracker-users reputation tracker
Social networks users reputation tracking tool
9 utilizadores
bitcointalk data extension
Easily insert bitcoin price, address balances, transaction details and fees into your posts.
9 utilizadores
Adicione atalhos simples para o <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> direto do seu navegador.
8 utilizadores
Unsplash Plus Block
Block Unsplash+ images from showing when browsing Unsplash.
8 utilizadores
Easily mention all members of a WhatsApp group with a single click using PratAll Firefox extension. Streamline your group conversations and ensure everyone is included effortlessly!
8 utilizadores
Offline QR Code Generator PNG SVG
Generate and save QR codes with various data types
8 utilizadores
No Scrolling on Instagram
This extension removes the explore and reels section of the instagram webpage to make it more difficult to waste time on the app.
8 utilizadores
No ParaSite - Best Site Blocker
Block sites and enhance your productivity with customizable limiting techniques and features. All for free. Pause/Block all distractions. Website Blocker Add-on Extension for Firefox
7 utilizadores
A bridge that makes it a little more easier to interact with the Mastodon Fediverse through the web.
7 utilizadores
6 utilizadores
Chatbot Manager
AI character card library, greeting generation & search.
6 utilizadores
Reddit Mobile Chat Fix
Fixes reddit chat ( for mobile devices.
6 utilizadores
Abject Auto Correct
Vous reprendriez bien un peu de lacrymo?
6 utilizadores
Haram Blocker, Filter music in background
فلتر يقوم بحظر المحتوى الحرام وتحليل الصوت لعزل الموسيقى الخلفية.
6 utilizadores
ToolzStream is your ultimate streaming companion. It allows seamless cookie management and tab control, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted experience across various platforms. The extension also features profile hiding on popular sites like Netflix,
6 utilizadores