Histórico de versões do FrankerFaceZ - 4 versões
FrankerFaceZ por FrankerFaceZ
Histórico de versões do FrankerFaceZ - 4 versões
Cuidado com versões antigas! Essas versões são exibidas com propósito de referência e testes.Devemos sempre usar a versão mais recente de uma extensão.
Versão mais recente
Lançado em 30 de dez de 2024 - 6,31 MBFunciona em firefox 109.0a1 em dianteMain Client 4.76.0
* Added: Setting to control the priority of third-party emote providers. This lets you, as an example, prioritize emotes from 7TV over BetterTTV. Note that these priorities are still secondary to emote source priorities (personal emotes > channel emotes > global emotes). (Closes #1587)
* Added: Setting to replace the native player 'Clip' button with a custom button that better fits the style of the other buttons. (Closes #1580)
* Fixed: Highlighting messages from users with open viewer cards not working correctly with alternating background colors enabled. (Closes #1581)
* Fixed: Various directory features not working correctly. (Closes #1588)
* Fixed: Emotes unlocked with channel points appearing on FFZ emote cards with the source 'CHANNEL_POINTS'.
* Fixed: The Experiments UI failing to load correctly if an experiment has no name.
* Experiments: Preparing for a new PubSub experiment.
* API Added: `emotes.setProvider(provider: string, data: {name: string, icon: string, description: string})` for registering an emote provider. This is used by the new setting to let users customize emote provider priorities.
* API Added: All modules now have a `addon_manifest` property which will contain the add-on's manifest if the module belongs to an add-on.
Aplatypuss 1.1.1
* Added: Option to select refresh time.
* Fixed: Badge flicker on JSON update.
7TV Emotes 1.4.30
* Changed: Register with the new emote provider API.
BetterTTV Emotes 3.3.23
* Changed: Register with the new emote provider API.
Main Client 4.76.1
* Added: Setting to hide the Cast button on the player.
* Changed: Add support for a directory experiment.
* Fixed: Improve the reliability of channel page tweaks in certain situations, such as co-streaming.
* Fixed: The new feature to hide the native Clip button not working due to a version control mistake.
Main Client 4.76.2
* Fixed: Directory items not being hidden correctly.
Main Client 4.76.3
* Added: Setting to block call-outs based on type. This should stay up to date automatically whenever Twitch adds new call-out types.
* Added: Setting to specifically block clip suggestion call-outs. Twitch has reversed the roll-out for now but I suspect they'll be back.
* Fixed: Bug related to badges and emote sets not being tracked correctly in some situations.
* Fixed: Bug where the new replacement Clip button not functioning correctly after the player state changes.
Main Client 4.76.4
* Fixed: Emoji appearing very large in some situations.
* Fixed: Callouts not being removed correctly.
* Fixed: Periodically detect and remove orphan chat message nodes.
* Fixed: Bug rendering re-sub messages in some situations where a message wasn't already tokenized.Código fonte publicado sob Todos os direitos reservados
Baixe o Firefox e instale a extensãoVocê precisa do Firefox para usar esta extensãoVersões mais antigas
Lançado em 7 de nov de 2024 - 6,32 MBFunciona em firefox 109.0a1 em dianteMain Client 4.75.7
* Changed: Added a Hype Train icon to the icon font.
* Changed: The exact loaded version of every add-on is now tracked and logged.
Deck 2.10.0
* Added: Support for displaying a notice on channels with a currently active Hype Train.
Main Client 4.75.6
* Fixed: Certain chat features not working correctly during a Shared Chat session.
* Fixed: The Add-Ons menu not displaying a loaded add-on if it has incomplete data.
7TV Emotes 1.4.29
* Fixed: Animated avatars not working anymore due to a change on 7TV's side.Código fonte publicado sob Todos os direitos reservados
Lançado em 28 de out de 2024 - 6,2 MBFunciona em firefox 109.0a1 em dianteMain Client v4.75.5
* Fixed: Chat not appearing correctly when using the Separator appearance options.
* API Added: Channel-specific emote sets can set a title_is_channel flag to have the FFZ emote menu automatically rename the emote set to show the source channel's name when using Shared Chat.
PrattleNot v0.10.0
* Added: Better support for Shared Chat.
7TV Emotes v1.4.28
* Changed: Add parameter for the websocket connection to indicate which client the connection originates from (in our case `ffz:<addon version>`)Código fonte publicado sob Todos os direitos reservados
Lançado em 23 de out de 2024 - 6,19 MBFunciona em firefox 109.0a1 em dianteCódigo fonte publicado sob Todos os direitos reservados