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I am using the version that works on FF 52.6 ESR. This would be a 5, except that it will sometimes delete most of the many entries in it. One time at least it was because I hit "edit..." and then cancelled that edit without changing anything, and then hit OK, and then the next time i invoked it to paste text then a whole lot of entries were gone.

And when i imported a saved backup, then although it showed them all before the operation was closed after i clicked "Finish", yet after i hit OK on the next window to close it, then the next time i invoked it they were not there.

i found that you must import, then hit "Finish" and then hit cancel on the next window. Then all the imported entries showed up.

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I loved this extn. Please make sure it is compatible with the new version of Firefox

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Please update with a signed version!... Thanks.

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The predecessor of "Signature /Auto Paste /Prefill Fourms" -..-?!

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I am unable to install signature on version 3.1.18, any suggestions on when this will be available?

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Work under FF 8 if the plugin "Add-on Compatibility Reporter" is previous installed :

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If you upgrade to TB 8 use


It overtakes your configs of this plugin

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I've previously changed the install.rdf file to allow this to be compatible with newer versions. However, when I tried to do this with Firefox 8 several times, I was told it could not be installed because it was corrupt. This is such an essential add-on for me, but the fact that it's not officially updated to allow it to work regularly is extremely frustrating.

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I've tried other signature add-ons and I simply cannot live without this one. So far its been quite easy to update via changing the install.rdf file (google for details).

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Is there a workaround or update for FF4?

Ten użytkownik wystawił dla tego dodatku także 2 inne opinie.

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Simple Is The Best!! I can not go without this app!
Please continue supporting!!

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Lovely add-on, please keep supporting it. I too changed the install.rdf and it worked, so you probably won't need to change a lot of code.

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With WINZIP it was a simple fix to change up to TB4 so now works with TB3. Download here. Pick BASIC free file download



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signature-0.4.20091210.works in TB3, all bar the ctrl-space default quick-key. Anyone else have the same problem?

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I was really disappointed to upgrade to TB3, and find that this lovely add-on had stopped working.

I'm therefore hugely grateful to Daniel for making a fix available!

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Very Nice Addon.

Please Update to TB 3.0

Thx Tocrazy4u

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While unfortunately unmantained since many years, it also works in Thunderbird 3.

For how to make it work, see
or download the compiled addon at

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Oceniono na 3 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek

this signature extension is really old and has many bugs, so I was looking around and compared this one with the other available "Quicktext" and I suggest to all other users to leave this extension and use Quicktext that is also well supported by the author.

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I used this extension for over a year but it has many bugs and should be really be updated. Edit field for signatures is very small, and sometimes when I make changes they aren't saved and are lost over all signatures. Think need to change to Quicktext but I would really hope Mozilla group adds a built in function for this just like Outlook.

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Works perfectly with FireFox 3.5.2!

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