YouTube Musical Spectrum
Audio visualizer for YouTube and YT Music with musical notes.
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Cloudflare Optics
Cloudflare Optics is a browser extension that helps display interesting information when you visit a site, particularly if that site is proxied through Cloudflare.
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Rotate that Video Player
Improve your video experience by effortlessly rotating your video clips by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
239 użytkowników | Developer news
Keep up with the latest developer news with Hackertab
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Browser extension to translate selected text with Google Translate
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Ecosia Dark Mode
A beautiful darkmode built for the Ecosia search engine. Save the planet and your eyes: Ecosia Dark Mode enables a custom dark theme for all Ecosia searches, giving your eyes a chance to rest while your searches plant trees.
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Old Google
Replaces the current Google logo on and the search page to use the old 2010 – 2013 logo.
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Make firefox flow like arc
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Notion Slides by Wunderpresentation
Annoyed by arranging presentation objects pixel by pixel in PowerPoint, Keynote or Google Slides? This add-on automtically converts a Notion page into an interactive presentation.
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Letterboxd minutes to hours
Converts minutes to hours on letterboxd
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Powtarzające się maile dla Gmaila
Wysyła twoje maile w późniejszym czasie raz, lub powtarza co X godzin/dni/miesięcy/lat
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Send web articles to Kindle
Send web articles, newsletters and RSS to Kindle.
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Organize tabs into workspaces.
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Server Status
Quickly view basic info about every webpage, including server location, IP addresses, certificate issuer and expiration date, HTTP status code and load time.
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Myanimelist Redesign 2
A redesigned user interface for Myanimelist with multiple themes and layout improvements (official new version)
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Search Engine 2.0 | Display ChatGPT with AI Images
Display AI-generated responses with Google search results and generate your AI-generated images on Google Images. Setup Tutorial :
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