Recenzje dodatku PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager
PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager Autor: Dima Nabok
Autor recenzji: Süleyman Yasin K.
Ocena: 3/5
Autor: Süleyman Yasin K., 2 lata temu577 recenzji
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: DeAndre Queary, 1 dzień temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: treelike, 2 dni temuGreat add on! Love being able to quickly access groups of channels and their videos.
Odpowiedź autora
Data: 17 godzin temuThanks so much! So glad PocketTube has been helpful to you, and really appreciate this awesome feedback! - Ocena: 5/5Autor: Firefox user 18783730, 8 dni temu
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: Александр, 17 dni temuТак нужна группировка каналов, но реализация приложения ужасная.
UPD. Вкладка "Подписки" начинает жутко тормозить, лагает всё. Нагрузка на процессор на максимуме, вентиляторы включились на полную, комп чуть в космос не улетел от вашего "Рекоменуемого значка".Odpowiedź autora
Data: 17 dni temuОтличная у нас реализация, соответствует всем стандартам, расширение имеет Рекомендуемый значок который имеют только 100 расширений в сторе. Если Вас что-то не устраивает можете удалить мое расширение, это не повод ставить такую оценку.
UPD: Попробуйте отключить другие расширения, скорее всего конфликт, я не могу это воспроизвести. Если вы не выбирали никаких фильтров то расширение ничего не делает на этой странице, если выбирали то происходит поиск видео - Ocena: 5/5Autor: ryan2089, 20 dni temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Firefox user 18653219, 24 dni temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Firefox user 16923151, miesiąc temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Firefox user 15053706, miesiąc temu
- Ocena: 2/5Autor: Seven, miesiąc temuGreat ideas but the performance hit, as others report, is too severe. Disabling other addons does not seem to help. (Firefox 133.0.3)
Odpowiedź autora
Data: miesiąc temuIt's weird, what extension version are you using? Maybe it's outdated, the latest one is 16.4.2, could you please send a recording of the performance on because I don't see a way how to reproduce it. - Ocena: 3/5Autor: tehseano, miesiąc temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Eddie™, miesiąc temu
- Ocena: 4/5Autor: manface723, 2 miesiące temui actually like it but most features are locked behind a paywall.
Odpowiedź autora
Data: 2 miesiące temuThank you for sharing! Our basic features for organizing subscriptions are completely free and we won't change it. If you want extended features you can become a patron to support me. It takes time to update the extension every time YouTube changes internally. - Ocena: 2/5Autor: Firefox user 18741631, 2 miesiące temuSevere performance impact. This extension significantly reduced responsiveness of the YouTube subscriptions page. Channel group management page was very choppy. Actions taking at least 5 seconds to complete.
Update-disabling add-ons did not improve performance. I have over 700 subscriptions, maybe that is too many for the extension.Odpowiedź autora
Data: 2 miesiące temuIt's weird, I can't reproduce the behavior. Try to disable other extensions, I suspect you have a conflict with something. - Ocena: 5/5Autor: calebdevelops, 2 miesiące temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Firefox user 18495089, 2 miesiące temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Hollytryx, 2 miesiące temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Firefox user 18438866, 2 miesiące temu
- Ocena: 5/5Autor: Path of Pain, 2 miesiące temu
- Ocena: 4/5Autor: daniboi, 2 miesiące temuCame back on a second sync (on Linux) after initially removed on Windows.
A Mozilla server end glitch?
Annoying "popup" for feedback as to why it was removed (on reboot into Windows).Odpowiedź autora
Data: 2 miesiące temuWhat is spam?
Upd: Any extension can't come back automatically in the browser without user interaction. We are limited by the Firefox browser, it's tech not possible, maybe the behavior you describe is related to a bug on the browser side, but we're not Firefox developers.
My extension has a Recommended badge with a deep review process for every version. The badge has only 100 extensions in the Firefox store. There is no reason to blame us and rate my hard work around the extension with 1-star without issues related to my extension. - Ocena: 4/5Autor: Abg, 2 miesiące temu
- Ocena: 1/5Autor: Someone, 2 miesiące temuAbsurd price for such an extension and hiding the fact that many, in fact the most useful features, are behind a monthly/yearly paywall.
Odpowiedź autora
Data: 2 miesiące temuThe basic groups for organizing subscriptions are completely free, if you want extended features you should become a patron. The link on Patreon is available in the description with a list of features. It takes time to update the extension every time YouTube changes internally.
Furthermore, the decision to keep some features for the Patreon version of PocketTube was made to ensure the long-term feasibility of the free version. - Ocena: 5/5Autor: zyb, 3 miesiące temu
- Ocena: 4/5Autor: Jack, 3 miesiące temuIt actually pretty good and do the job. Im happy with that. It is one of the plugin that on the list when I moving from browser to browser. The only thing is that youtube is getting a bit laggy obviously when running the plugin which I have 22 group and 112 channel in them. and the reaction is not instant enough, it will load like 1-2 second to get into a group
Odpowiedź autora
Data: 3 miesiące temuThank you for sharing! We're waiting for the YouTube page to be completely loaded, and then we can start the extension sidebar. It can take time, but it's already optimized enough, and we make it as fast as possible.