Vurdering for Nimbus Screen Capture: Screenshot, Edit, Annotate
Nimbus Screen Capture: Screenshot, Edit, Annotate av Nimbus Web, Nimble Capture
31 vurderingar
- Vurdering: 2 av 5av scall, 7 år sidan (How to disable this??)
and (why they are trying to connect everytime?) - Vurdering: 2 av 5av JaszLadie, 7 år sidanNot usable anymore since the clipboard functionality was removed. It was nice having this right in-browser. Back to Snipping Tool. :(
- Vurdering: 2 av 5av Firefox user 13048632, 7 år sidanI'm unable to use copy to clipboard option anymore. Reverted to 9.1.1.
- Vurdering: 2 av 5av Firefox user 13257972, 7 år sidanJust about everything in this latest update doesn't work properly, takes longer to work and/or has lost functionality options. I was about to start donating because the app has been brilliant, but now there's no point. It needs to revert to it's pre-"update" version!
NOTE: I found Version history here:
I have re-installed 9.1.1 - Vurdering: 2 av 5av Firefox user 12848347, 7 år sidanWhy break it? This WAS a wonderful Add-on! What happened!? Are you trying to monetize your product by sending the captures through you site? Seems like something to do with money, somehow. Page scroll on capture is pointless. And this was only functional to me when it copied the image to clipboard or saved locally (automatically!). So disappointing! Don't bother until they roll it back to the previous functionality. Add-on removed!
Svar frå utviklaren
posta 7 år sidanHi,
We uploaded new version taht supports new Firefox Legacy WebEx. It has it's own benifit and drawbacks. Looks like you have a bug, contact us we will try to resolve the problem. Thank you. - Vurdering: 2 av 5av Firefox user 13257499, 7 år sidanSe instala pero no captura nada ayudenme por favor tengo la última versión de firefox. debería hacer capturas dentro del navegador pero nolas hace..