KidStart Savings Prompt av kidstart
KidStart Savings Prompt helps you make sure you never forget to save for your kids while shopping online.
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Om denne utvidinga
If you're a KidStart member, you won't want to miss out on potential savings for your children. KidStart Savings Prompt safely alerts you to savings opportunities as you browse.
Our new version gives you more special offers, access to your online account, and now logs you in automatically when you visit our website, so you always know your savings are recorded.
To join KidStart, visit www.kidstart.co.uk.
Our new version gives you more special offers, access to your online account, and now logs you in automatically when you visit our website, so you always know your savings are recorded.
To join KidStart, visit www.kidstart.co.uk.
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- Få tilgang til nettlesarfaner
- Tilgang til nettlesaraktivitet under navigering
- Tilgang tiil dataa dine frå alle nettsider
Meir informasjon
- Lenker for tillegg
- Versjon
- Storleik
- 305,71 KB
- Sist oppdatert
- 9 månader sidan (14. mai 2024)
- Liknande kategoriar
- Lisens
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Personvernpraksis
- Les personvernpraksisen for denne utvidinga
- Lisensavtale for sluttbrukarar
- Les lisensavtalen for denne utvidinga
- Versjonshistorikk
- Etikettar
Legg til i samling
Fleire utvidingar av kidstart
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
Just as you would do normally.
You'll see an alert in Google results for retailers.
You will be automatically notified when you visit a retailer's website.
Open the Savings Prompt to view your recent history and special offers.