Imagus mod av TFW
With a simple mouse-over you can enlarge and display images/videos from links. Now with optional permissions, more features.
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Metadata for utvidingar
Om denne utvidinga
Worried about original extension using un-needed permissions? Not anymore! You can enable the permissions when you need to, and now there are more features!
New features(as of
click icon to disable/enable
shift click icon to change settings
custom download path
custom hotkeys
import/export all config
option page themes
dim pages when zooming in
manual/auto update sieves from remote
Settings page theme
Max width/height
Original description:
There are plenty of settings which can be customized, and reviewing them is currently the best way to learn about what the extension is capable of.
Sections on the options page, and their brief explanation:
▪ Sieve
Original description:
An expandable set of rules for getting the larger image, media or other content.
It has more than 200 rules by default, which support thousands of sites across the web, including the popular ones such as Reddit/Imgur, Wikipedia (or any WikiMedia based site), deviantART, Google services (Images, YouTube, G+, Picasa...), Facebook, Twitter, Flickr...
▪ Grants
List of user defined rules for blocking/allowing specific sites.
New features(as of
click icon to disable/enable
shift click icon to change settings
custom download path
custom hotkeys
import/export all config
option page themes
dim pages when zooming in
manual/auto update sieves from remote
Settings page theme
Max width/height
Original description:
There are plenty of settings which can be customized, and reviewing them is currently the best way to learn about what the extension is capable of.
Sections on the options page, and their brief explanation:
▪ Sieve
Original description:
An expandable set of rules for getting the larger image, media or other content.
It has more than 200 rules by default, which support thousands of sites across the web, including the popular ones such as Reddit/Imgur, Wikipedia (or any WikiMedia based site), deviantART, Google services (Images, YouTube, G+, Picasa...), Facebook, Twitter, Flickr...
▪ Grants
List of user defined rules for blocking/allowing specific sites.
Vurder opplevinga di
Støtt denne utviklaren
Utviklaren av denne utvidinga spør om du kan hjelpe til med å støtte den vidare utviklinga med eit lite pengebidrag.
LøyveLes meir
Dette tillegget treng å:
- Tilgang tiil dataa dine frå alle nettsider
Dette tillegget kan òg be om:
- Laste ned filer, samt lese og modifisere nedlastingshistorikken til nettlesaren
- Tilgang til nettlesarhistorikken
Meir informasjon
- Lenker for tillegg
- Versjon
- 0.10.15
- Storleik
- 344,48 KB
- Sist oppdatert
- eit år sidan (21. sep. 2023)
- Liknande kategoriar
- Lisens
- BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
- Versjonshistorikk
- Etikettar
Legg til i samling
Versjonsnotat for 0.10.15
added grant hotkey(G to block by default, shift+hotkey to unblock)
update sieve update address for users with old address
allow sieves to assign download filename, just overwrite "this.CNT.filename", both with or without file extension are supported
default theme set to dark
added sieve date
exiting full zoom returns to album
update sieve update address for users with old address
allow sieves to assign download filename, just overwrite "this.CNT.filename", both with or without file extension are supported
default theme set to dark
added sieve date
exiting full zoom returns to album
Fleire utvidingar av TFW
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