History Cleaner av Rayquaza01
Deletes browsing history older than a specified number of days.
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History Cleaner
Firefox addon that deletes history older than a specified amount of
Icons used in History Cleaner are from Pictogrammers, formerly Material Design Icons. (Pictogrammers Free License)
Available for Firefox, Available for Chrome
Firefox addon that deletes history older than a specified amount of
- Behavior
- Decides what history the extension will delete when it triggers.
- Either disabled, delete old history, or delete all history.
- Defaults to disabled, so the extension doesn’t do anything until you configure it.
- Number of Days to Keep History
- Delete history older than midnight on the specified number of days ago.
- Only has effect if behavior is set to delete old history.
- Defaults to 0.
- Trigger Mode
- Whether the extension triggers on idle, on browser startup, or at a set interval.
- Defaults to idle.
- Idle Length
- Amount of time in seconds the browser should idle before triggering.
- Only has effect if trigger mode is set to idle.
- Defaults to 60, minimum 15.
- Timer Interval
- Interval in minutes between triggering.
- Only has effect if trigger mode is set to timer.
- Defaults to 1440 (24 hours), Minimum 1
- Used to clear browser history
- Used to save user options
- Used to detect when the browser is idle for the idle trigger mode
- Used to send a notification when history is cleared
- Notifications are only sent if the user enables notifications in options
- Used to clear download history
- Download history is only cleared if user enables the option
- Used to set a timer for the timer trigger mode.
Icons used in History Cleaner are from Pictogrammers, formerly Material Design Icons. (Pictogrammers Free License)
Available for Firefox, Available for Chrome
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Støtt denne utviklaren
Utviklaren av denne utvidinga spør om du kan hjelpe til med å støtte den vidare utviklinga med eit lite pengebidrag.
LøyveLes meir
Dette tillegget treng å:
- Tilgang til nettlesarhistorikken
Dette tillegget kan òg be om:
- Laste ned filer, samt lese og modifisere nedlastingshistorikken til nettlesaren
- Vis meldingar til deg
Meir informasjon
- Lenker for tillegg
- Versjon
- 1.7.0
- Storleik
- 110,63 KB
- Sist oppdatert
- 2 månader sidan (11. des. 2024)
- Liknande kategoriar
- Lisens
- MIT License
- Versjonshistorikk
Legg til i samling
Versjonsnotat for 1.7.0
<p>v1.7.0 Changelog</p>
- Add option to clear download history.
- Add option to change icon.
- Download and Notification permissions are now optional.
- Change default icon.
- Disable theme icon, as theme icons aren’t supported in Chrome.
- [Known Issue] The optional permission checkboxes close the popup in
Chrome. They should work as expected, but you may want to
toggle them fromchrome://extensions
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