HackBar V2 av chewbaka
[No License, FOREVER FREE] A HackBar for new firefox (Firefox Quantum). This addon is written in webextension and alternatives to the XUL version of original Hackbar. You can ask request here: <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a39b349848f7c649acc64a36ebf3ce6dbb8d588bba745b0c0d6286dc11b73a4e/https%3A//github.com/Hack-Free/HackBar" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/Hack-Free/HackBar</a>
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Om denne utvidinga
# How to use #
* Press F12 to open hackbar
# Feature #
* Load, split, execute url from address bar.
* Custom/add referrer url, User Agent, cookie.
* Tools: md5, sha1, sha256, rot13 encryption, url, base64 encoding, beautifier json data, sql, xss , xxe features.
# Shortcut #
* Ctrl + Enter to execute
You can ask request here: https://github.com/Hack-Free/HackBar
* Press F12 to open hackbar
# Feature #
* Load, split, execute url from address bar.
* Custom/add referrer url, User Agent, cookie.
* Tools: md5, sha1, sha256, rot13 encryption, url, base64 encoding, beautifier json data, sql, xss , xxe features.
# Shortcut #
* Ctrl + Enter to execute
You can ask request here: https://github.com/Hack-Free/HackBar
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Dette tillegget treng å:
- Utvid utviklarverktøya for å få tilgang til dine data i opne faner
- Få tilgang til nettlesarfaner
- Tilgang tiil dataa dine frå alle nettsider
Meir informasjon
- Lenker for tillegg
- Versjon
- 2.5.4
- Storleik
- 886,08 KB
- Sist oppdatert
- 2 månader sidan (3. des. 2024)
- Liknande kategoriar
- Lisens
- MIT License
- Versjonshistorikk
Legg til i samling
Versjonsnotat for 2.5.4
- Fix MD5 function for chinese language
- So update crypto lib for MD5, SHA1 and SHA256
- So update crypto lib for MD5, SHA1 and SHA256
Fleire utvidingar av chewbaka
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- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno
- Ingen vurderingar enno