Vurdering for Distill Web Monitor
Distill Web Monitor av Distill
Vurdering av Firefox user 14971508
Vurdering: 1 av 5
av Firefox user 14971508, 2 månader sidanschrott, ich bekomme immer eine meldung, dass sich was geändert hat, hat sich aber nicht. daher ist dieses plugin für mich nutzlos. wäre sinnvoller man könnte etwas markieren zum überwachen, wenn sich was ändert. mir bringt das plugin so nichts. weil ich bei jedem aktualisieren eine meldung bekomme.
234 vurderingar
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Firefox user 16697185, 24 dagar sidanif you have a problem with java etc, tell me to monitor the entire website, it always works, thank you for your work
- Vurdering: 1 av 5av Firefox user 18763402, ein månad sidan
- Vurdering: 1 av 5av msjs08, 4 månader sidanNot impressed. Tried to make it run based on conditions but doesn't seem to work. Alerts don't work. Wasted my time
- Vurdering: 1 av 5av Seiji, 4 månader sidanThey say you can add two devices on the free plan. I have it installed as a Firefox extension and the Desktop app. After installing the desktop app, everytime I press the extension icon on Firefox, it won't open the selection list, it shows me the device list and says I reached the limit. Can't use it anymore.
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Firefox user 18592912, 5 månader sidan
- Vurdering: 4 av 5av Firefox user 18467492, 8 månader sidanIt's okay but doesn't work on containers. I may have to use multiple accounts ...
- Vurdering: 1 av 5av Firefox user 12313260, 9 månader sidanUsed it with only one site for a year now, worked.
Added two more, made an account.
Saw that the account (free tier) can be run only every 6 hours. that's pretty bad and useless.
Decided to close the account because its unnecessary.
What happend is that all my watchlist was completely empty because they sync online and offline.
So don't use an account or never delete one.
I could start over, but is tells me now "Used 0 of 0 available monitors" wth
I'll make a python script, thanks for nothing - Vurdering: 5 av 5av heystek, eit år sidan
- Vurdering: 1 av 5av cj, eit år sidan
- Vurdering: 1 av 5av Firefox user 12818352, eit år sidanworks at first and then it stops working on its own
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av HyperCriSiS, eit år sidanPlease add possibility to disable the context menu. Thanks!
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Firefox user 18151697, eit år sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Сырное, eit år sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av trmxc, eit år sidan
- Vurdering: 3 av 5av daltux, 2 år sidanIt is great. The main issue is it does not work with Firefox Multi-Account Containers. If the URL you try to monitor is set to alway open in a container, Distill is never going to be updated. We need some sort of fix or workaround.
- Vurdering: 4 av 5av Firefox user 16431698, 2 år sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av Firefox user 14893401, 2 år sidan
- Vurdering: 5 av 5av DT, 2 år sidan
- Vurdering: 1 av 5av Firefox user 17736822, 2 år sidanQue des fausses alertes et des appels à dons !
Parfaitement inutile donc.