Clipboard Manager av Muyor
Easily access to recent clipboards via context-menu or toolbar popup.
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Clipboard Manager is an add-on that let you easily store and view clipboard items via toolbar popup.
You can also access up to 7 clipboard items via mouse right click (context-menu). Please note that, the add-on only stores clipboard items when you want to "paste" them. In other words, when you just copy an item, it is NOT stored to the memory. But, when you paste it to an editable area within a page, it will be stored to the memory. This way, only needed items will be saved to the memory.
In order to access stored clipboard items, please open toolbar popup or right-click on an editable area and then choose clipboard manager in the right-click. Then, click on a desired clipboard item; and it will be inserted to the editable filed.
If you have a feature request, or found a bug to report, please fill the bug report form in the addon's homepage.
You can also access up to 7 clipboard items via mouse right click (context-menu). Please note that, the add-on only stores clipboard items when you want to "paste" them. In other words, when you just copy an item, it is NOT stored to the memory. But, when you paste it to an editable area within a page, it will be stored to the memory. This way, only needed items will be saved to the memory.
In order to access stored clipboard items, please open toolbar popup or right-click on an editable area and then choose clipboard manager in the right-click. Then, click on a desired clipboard item; and it will be inserted to the editable filed.
If you have a feature request, or found a bug to report, please fill the bug report form in the addon's homepage.
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- Versjon
- 0.1.1
- Storleik
- 22,81 KB
- Sist oppdatert
- 4 år sidan (7. juli 2020)
- Liknande kategoriar
- Lisens
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Versjonshistorikk
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Versjonsnotat for 0.1.1
some updates and bug fixes
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