Bing Auto Search av Ordi_P
This plugin automatically fulfills Bing's daily search tasks to help users easily earn Microsoft Rewards points.
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Om denne utvidinga
This plugin automatically fulfills Bing's daily search tasks to help users easily earn Microsoft Rewards points.
⚠Warning: Please set the search interval with the suggested parameter as the minimum value. Setting too small an interval may trigger anti-cheat detection and potentially result in account suspension. This plugin is provided for educational and exchange purposes only, and the creators are not responsible for any consequences that may arise!!!
⚠Note: This plugin was initially developed for the author’s personal use and is now being shared for everyone to try. If you encounter any issues or have any feedback, please leave a comment to let us know. The author will fix and improve the plugin as time allows. If you leave a negative review without detailing the problems you’ve experienced, it doesn’t provide much help. Thank you for your understanding, and we hope for mutual consideration among all users.
⚠Warning: Please set the search interval with the suggested parameter as the minimum value. Setting too small an interval may trigger anti-cheat detection and potentially result in account suspension. This plugin is provided for educational and exchange purposes only, and the creators are not responsible for any consequences that may arise!!!
⚠Note: This plugin was initially developed for the author’s personal use and is now being shared for everyone to try. If you encounter any issues or have any feedback, please leave a comment to let us know. The author will fix and improve the plugin as time allows. If you leave a negative review without detailing the problems you’ve experienced, it doesn’t provide much help. Thank you for your understanding, and we hope for mutual consideration among all users.
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Dette tillegget treng å:
- Få tilgang til nettlesarfaner
- Tilgang tiil dataa dine frå alle nettsider
Meir informasjon
- Versjon
- 1.1.1
- Storleik
- 15,44 KB
- Sist oppdatert
- 8 månader sidan (1. juni 2024)
- Liknande kategoriar
- Lisens
- All Rights Reserved
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