
Joplin Export

Export your emails from Thunderbird to Joplin. To use the add-on, a running Joplin application is required (https://joplinapp.org).

Please note that this is not an official product of the Joplin team, but rather developed by a private person.

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren (10)
365 gebruikers


ObsidianClipper is a Thunderbird extension to clip emails to the Obsidian notetaking application. Save an email to Obsidian seamlessly with one click. Customize the format of new note titles and note layout.

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren (5)
180 gebruikers

ThunderLink Vereist herstart

Clickable, durable links to specific messages inside Thunderbird.

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (20)
201 gebruikers

Extract 'Em! Aanbevolen

Extracts attachments from messages within an account or folder, with the option to select specific attachments. Extracted attachments are saved to a .zip file.

NOTICE: Version 1.1.4 of Extract 'Em! is defective, please replace with 1.1.2 or 1.2.1

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren (2)
1.403 gebruikers


Sendet E-Mails an einen j-lawyer.org Server

Note: This extension saves messages on a j-Lawyer.org server. Sensitive data may be transmitted. Depending on the type of connection, this data may also be unencrypted.

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren (2)
28 gebruikers

CardBook Aanbevolen

Een nieuw adresboek voor gebruik in Thunderbird, gebaseerd op de standaards CardDav en vCard.

Twitter: @CardBookAddon

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (442)
65.589 gebruikers


This provider add-on adds Google synchronization capabilities to TbSync. Only contacts and contact groups are currently managed, using Google's People API.

Please read the "About this Add-on" section below carefully!

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (56)
7.647 gebruikers

Notepad (QuickFox) Vereist herstart

Everyday note-taking solution.

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (191)
13 gebruikers

KundenMeister CRM Mail Export

An mail export add-on from KundenMeister to export the mails from user to KundenMeister portal after authentication.

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (6)
39 gebruikers

ImportExportTools NG

Voegt enkele hulpmiddelen toe om berichten en mappen te importeren en exporteren (NextGen)

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (212)
240.818 gebruikers

Autocopy 78+

Automatically copy any text in an email when the text is selected.

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (5)
200 gebruikers

AutoarchiveReloaded Aanbevolen

Archiviert E-Mails automatisch (Verbesserte Version vom "Autoarchive" Add-on)

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (25)
21.585 gebruikers

Thunderbook Vereist herstart

Export messages (including RSS items) as e-books.

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (3)
3.207 gebruikers

Copy Patch

Copy email content to clipboard for application as patch. Applies some filters, e.g. Outlook Safe Link unmangling, to ensure patch cleanness.

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren (2)
79 gebruikers


This Addon is needed to sync your Android based smartphone with Thunderbird with the Software "MyPhoneExplorer". You can get MyPhoneExplorer from: https://www.fjsoft.at

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (16)
9.280 gebruikers


Ermöglicht das Exportieren von Nachrichten und Ordnern für FindNow

Waardering 5 van 5 sterren (1)
22 gebruikers

RT Archive Emails to Sugar & SuiteCRM

Archive Emails from Thunderbird to a Sugar or SuiteCRM record of your choice with RT Archive Email.
You can archive one or more emails, along with their attachments, to a Contact, Lead, Account, Opportunity, or Project.

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (5)
65 gebruikers

Get All Senders

This add-on retrieves all the senders associated with the emails in this mailbox and stores them in your clipboard.
For more information and to report an issue, please visit the project home page at https://github.com/CicadaCinema/get-all-senders .

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (5)
296 gebruikers

Outlook/Teams Appointments

Get the hidden appointment from an email from outlook/teams as a .ics-file - Icon: https://fontawesome.com/

Waardering 3 van 5 sterren (11)
4.979 gebruikers

E-Mail Bodytext Autoexport Vereist herstart

Extracts the bodytext from an E-Mail with the specific subject into a setable directory.

Waardering 4 van 5 sterren (4)
1 gebruiker