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829 gebruikers
Free Modern ChatGPT for Fire Fox - ZChatGPT
Fully Free extension to allow Firefox users to use ChatGPT in any tab without the need to open ChatGPT or having account.
819 gebruikers
IP Whois
View info about IP, DNS records, SSL, country flag, domain whois, location, stats and more of any website.
816 gebruikers
GitHub Dark Theme
A dark theme for all of GitHub based on Atom One Dark.Source Code: https://github.com/poychang/github-dark-theme
814 gebruikers
BetterViewer was designed as a replacement for the image viewing mode built into Firefox and Chrome-based web browsers. With BetterViewer you can use various keyboard shortcuts to quickly pan, zoom images, edit and a lot more!
807 gebruikers
Trouve des missions en te référençant sur une quinzaine de plateformes depuis une interface unique.
801 gebruikers
Amazon Brand Detector
A browser extension that reveals Amazon brands and exclusive products while you shop online.
793 gebruikers
Definer - Popup Dictionary & Translator
Instant definitions, translations, and search results for words and phrases you select or type
783 gebruikers
No google Ai search
An extension that disables Google new Ai search.
775 gebruikers
Trim: IMDB Ratings on Netflix and Prime Video
Show IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic ratings on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Hulu, AppleTV and PeacockTV
753 gebruikers
Diccionario RAE en bocadillo
Diccionario de la lengua española (DLE) en bocadillo, cuadro de búsqueda y ventana emergente. Acceda a la definición actualizada RAE-ASALE de una palabra con un simple doble clic o por menú contextual. Y sin salir de la página que visita o de un pdf
710 gebruikers
Break Down the Walls
Break Down the Walls is an extension to help you access information more easily. If you use Sci-hub and Library Genesis a lot, you will love it.
697 gebruikers
Adds voice recording and spoken answers to ChatGPT UI.
683 gebruikers
Allow me to click Google Maps
Allows user to go to maps straight from search results in google, since it is impossible and has to be explicitly done by searching maps
668 gebruikers
SearXNG - Privacy Search Engine
Adds SearXNG as the default search engine in your browser. Secure your queries with instant access to SearX metasearch engine.
652 gebruikers
Save Website as Image
Simple addon, to save a snapshot of a website via a click on the toolbar icon or a custom shortcut
648 gebruikers
aiPromptPal for ChatGPT
Easily use ChatGPT: alongside search engine results, right-click menu, Gmail and via Omnibox (address bar) to access the power of ChatGPT
644 gebruikers
Moodle Buddy
Moodle Buddy offers mass file download and notification functionality to the moodle learning management platform. Students see updates to their courses immediately and can download all learning materials with just one click.
632 gebruikers
Notefox: websites notes
Take notes on every website in a smart and simple way!
625 gebruikers
Image Search
Reverse image search using the most popular search engines.
609 gebruikers
Helperbird: Accessibility & Productivity App
Your go-to for advanced reading, writing, and accessibility. Our features include voice typing, dyslexia support, an immersive reader, and a reading mode. Tailored to fit diverse abilities and learning styles, making the web accessible for all.
606 gebruikers
TubeVPN Youtube Unblocked
TubeVPN Unblocker For Youtube, Youtube Unblocker and Youtube Unblocked
597 gebruikers
The Pirate Bay Torrent Search
Search The Pirate Bay in a popup window using an active proxybay
591 gebruikers
SciHub Addon
【SciHub Addon】超级好用的学术科研插件,全方位提高科研工作者的科研效率,支持显示详细文章信息、期刊等级信息、网页翻译功能、文章引用功能等。
576 gebruikers
Magnifying Glass
Convert your mouse cursor to a high-quality magnifying glass
559 gebruikers