Webpage to Excel and PDF
convert webpages to Excel and PDF formats
192 gebruikers
QLattes é uma extensão para navegadores Chromium e Mozilla Firefox que automaticamente classifica os artigos em periódicos identificados nas páginas dos CVs da Plataforma Lattes do CNPq, de acordo com o novo Qualis da CAPES.
182 gebruikers
Big Search
Handily use / switch search engines via a Flexible Tool. With some special technical features also. Definitly more than a GET/POST sender. Source code on Github. Vast search, search great! Breadth 🗺️ & Focus 👨💻
181 gebruikers
医学文献サイトである PubMed に日本語表示を追加し、全ての日本人医師や研究者が英語論文にアクセスしやすくなるようお手伝いします。 文献掲載誌のインパクトファクターの表示もできますので、重要な論文を効率よく見つけることができます。
179 gebruikers
Search with Google Scholar
Search selected text with Google Scholar
175 gebruikers
OneNote to Xournal++
This extension converts OneNote notes to Xournal++ notes with only a few clicks required.
173 gebruikers
GST - Free Google Slides Themes
Get access to a vast library of free Google Slides themes and PowerPoint presentation templates.
169 gebruikers
SD Downloader
Easily download publicated files for private copies from Studydrive. This extension is not affiliated with or endorsed by Studydrive.
165 gebruikers
Smart Translator
Quickly translate selected, typed text or web pages using Google Translate.
141 gebruikers
Unofficial Obsidian Web Clipper
A clipping extension to create notes in Obsidian.
129 gebruikers
SciHub Downloader
Download Papers from SciHub using DOI.
125 gebruikers
Library Genesis OpenSearch Engine
OpenSearch engine for <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ff64b94b33823a93a90f51caa63459649b79d306ae48d166936babe37925e617/http%3A//libgen.lc" rel="nofollow">libgen.lc</a> with a theme responsive icon.
124 gebruikers
Somtoday Mod
Pas het uiterlijk van Somtoday aan. Voegt een dark mode, achtergrondafbeeldingen, lettertypes, kleuren en meer toe.
122 gebruikers
Plagiarisma is de wereldberoemde plagiaatcontrole voor wetenschappers, studenten, docenten, schrijvers. Ontvang nu een gratis rapport met percentage!
121 gebruikers
Canvas Quiz Loader
Automatically load correct answers from previous quiz attempts. A Firefox Port of the Chrome Extension by Alex Shnyrov (1993alexey@gmail.com)
119 gebruikers
Quality of RWTH
Makes RWTH websites more enjoyable
118 gebruikers
Trello Card Counter
An elegant and free web browser extension that directly integrates into all your Trello board to count the total number of cards in each list and across the whole board.
111 gebruikers
Ticket Templates for JIRA
This addon inserts templates easily into textfields. It supports autofill, quickfill, sharing and many more.
110 gebruikers
Paper Memory
Automatically record papers you read from Arxiv, OpenReview & more! Organize your library with tags, links to code and quick notes.
110 gebruikers
Wiseone - Your AI Search & Reading Copilot
Wiseone is your ultimate AI tool to enhance your web searches and boost your reading productivity.
104 gebruikers
Symbol Typer - Write Math and Symbols Easily
Write special symbols in plain text and paste them anywhere!
97 gebruikers
Mark My Search
Highlight words and scroll to them with a button press. Auto-highlight your search keywords or define Keyword Lists for automation, and use regex for advanced searching.
93 gebruikers
Improve your everyday life with this extension for the teaching portal.
91 gebruikers
Trufflepiggy - Context Search
The context menu search for all of us: quick, easy & customizable. Best in class group-search: find on multiple sites at once! Supports favicons, omnibox & Firefox Sync. Select from 1000+ user generated searches or add your own. Video inside ➡️
90 gebruikers
Voltaire au bûcher !
Corrige la phrase affichée.
89 gebruikers