DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
Privacy vereenvoudigd. Bescherm je gegevens wanneer je online informatie zoekt en browset met trackerblocking, slimmere versleuteling, privé zoeken en browsen, en meer.
1.418.261 gebruikers
Search by Image
A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.
390.053 gebruikers
Image Search Options
A customizable reverse image search tool that conveniently presents a variety of top image search engines.
42.822 gebruikers
1.320 gebruikers
Startpage Privacy Protection
By installing the free Startpage Privacy Protection extension you will be able to stop trackers and cookies and set Startpage as your default search engine.
47.748 gebruikers
Instagram Downloader
Help users download images and videos easily on Instagram
27.153 gebruikers
Bulk Media Downloader
Grab and download media (image, audio, and video) resources by monitoring network (like FlashGot or Flash video downloader extensions)
16.561 gebruikers
Yandex search
Adds Yandex search as a search engine.
16.456 gebruikers
Reverse Image Search
Adds an option to the context menu to search with an image on Google, Bing, Yandex, TinEye, SauceNAO, IQDB or custom search engines. You can also choose more than one and they will be shown in a submenu!
16.381 gebruikers
Search by Image on Google
Right click on an image to search Google for related images or versions in different sizes.
10.263 gebruikers
Zoom for Firefox
Zoom in or out on web content using the zoom button and mouse scroll wheel for more comfortable reading. That to each percent value. It helps you to zoom easily in and out a web page. Thanks to the slider and the zoom buttons.
5.813 gebruikers
Search image
Select some text, right-click and choose"Search image" in the menu, a Google Image tab will open with your results.
5.243 gebruikers
Color by Fardos - Color Picker
Pick colors from websites, save colors & gradients, get matching shades and tints and create beautiful gradients.
4.706 gebruikers
Google Reverse Image Search
Google Reverse Image Search is a simple tool that lets you search the images reversely on Google Images and find the other copies of the very image you are looking for on the web.
3.946 gebruikers
Utorrent For Firefox
Send Link to Utorrent For Chrome
3.776 gebruikers
AI Solver for reCAPTCHA, FunCAPTCHA, and all CAPTCHA.
3.163 gebruikers
YouTube Downloader 2.0
Download videos, audio, photos and captions from Youtube and other sites containing a youtube player in one click!
3.130 gebruikers
Print for Firefox
Print de huidige pagina die u ziet met een enkele klik. Dat voor allerlei soorten fotoafdrukken, posters, visitekaartjes, enz.
2.832 gebruikers
Add Brave Search
Add Brave Search to Firefox, simply install and change your search engine to Brave Search.
2.518 gebruikers
Twitter用 センシティブ画像大好き君
2.373 gebruikers
Clipboard2File (Upload From Clipboard)
Instantly upload pictures from your clipboard!
2.325 gebruikers
Selectext: Copy Text from Videos
Copy text directly from videos on Youtube and any site
2.270 gebruikers
Roblox Server Finder
A server finder that attempts to find a server with a specified amount of players
1.959 gebruikers
Google Image Search
Image Search for Google. Right click image and search image copies for Google.
1.957 gebruikers
1.875 gebruikers