Comet - Reddit Comments on YouTube & Webpages
View the Reddit comments of any YouTube video or web page.
733 gebruikers
FastProxy - Украина
Обход блокировок в Украине. Доступ к заблокированным сайтам. FastProxy - Украина разблокирует сайты ВКонтакте, Одноклассники, Яндекс, Мэйл, Кинопоиск, rutracker, Касперский, новостные сайты и другие заблокированные домены на территории Украины.
729 gebruikers
F-B Hide Recommendations and Reels
This extension hides Reels and recommendations on facebook
720 gebruikers
A minimal, less attention grabbing, internet experience.
718 gebruikers
Free Modern ChatGPT for Fire Fox - ZChatGPT
Fully Free extension to allow Firefox users to use ChatGPT in any tab without the need to open ChatGPT or having account.
681 gebruikers
遊戲橘子官方啟動遊戲 for firefox
672 gebruikers
AdBlox - Advertentieblokker
Eenvoudige, gratis, volledig uitgeruste advertentieblokker: Blokkeer advertenties op YouTube, Facebook, Twitch en m voor een naadloze browse-ervaring.
672 gebruikers
TubeVPN Youtube Unblocked
TubeVPN Unblocker For Youtube, Youtube Unblocker and Youtube Unblocked
652 gebruikers
Simple Video Downloader
A simple video downloader that supports downloading video sites like tiktok, twitter, facebook, imgur, pinterest, dailymotion, ted, vimeo
646 gebruikers
Date Today for Firefox
De beste klok toont de huidige datum en tijd in één oogopslag. Het biedt een digitale klok in de browserwerkbalk en een analoge klok in het menu van de webbrowser, zodat je de huidige datum en tijd kunt zien met slechts één blik.
593 gebruikers
Citace PRO
Slouží pro vytvoření a uložení citace. Po kliknutí na tlačítko v liště se zobrazí citace webové stránky otevřené v tabu a všech zdrojů obsažených v dané stránce. Citaci lze zkopírovat nebo uložit jako záznam do Citace PRO.
560 gebruikers
Privacy Focused Site Blocker (by
Site blocker with a focus on privacy. Block unlimited websites with schedules, password protection, and custom blocked pages
537 gebruikers
B!tch to Boss
Online harassment is a problem. The solution? People being less terrible. Until then, this extension replaces "bitch" and other derogatory words like it with "boss" all across the internet.
519 gebruikers
Facebook Video Controls
Enable video controls on Facebook reels and stories
467 gebruikers
MS Edge TTS (Text to Speech)
MS Edge TTS Extension (Text to Speech)
465 gebruikers
TikTok Video Downloader
TikTok Video Downloader: Download TikTok videos for free, with no watermark, in just one click! Enjoy seamless and high-quality downloads of your favorite TikTok content directly to your device.
459 gebruikers
Rotate that Video Player
Improve your video experience by effortlessly rotating your video clips by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
447 gebruikers
Emoji Keyboard
The most up to date. Copy-paste Emojis everywhere. Compatible with Win, Mac, Linux and iOS, Android. Works for every website/App.
428 gebruikers
QR Code for Firefox
QR Code for Firefox generates QR codes independently, simple and fast, and can be generated immediately for 256 colors of any size! The latest version of this addon has been updated to Please upgrade and use it as soon as possible.
398 gebruikers
Video Roll
Video Roll 是一个帮助你旋转、缩放、移动、调整比例、镜像翻转、截图、调节音调、音量、倍速、专注和滤镜任意网页中HTML5视频的浏览器插件。在大部分网站上都表现出色(Youtube™/Bilibili/Vimeo/TikTok/Twitter 等),支持iframe探测,支持自定义快捷键。我们提供了超棒的记忆功能,帮助你一下次进入网站直接生效。
395 gebruikers
YouTube Tweaks
A collection of tweaks for hiding Shorts, disabling auto-dubbing, disabling 'Video paused. Continue watching?', changing the number of videos per row and more!
392 gebruikers
MaxFocus: Link Preview
Preview websites without leaving current tab. Keep your browsing focused!
391 gebruikers
Social Media Downloader
Downloads medias from social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo & many more in just one click.
377 gebruikers
Unscroll Instagram
Remove infinite scrolling, reels and recommended posts for web Instagram.
358 gebruikers
349 gebruikers