Reviews for aiPromptPal for ChatGPT
aiPromptPal for ChatGPT од Scailability
5 reviews
- Rated 5 out of 5од Firefox user 18188932, пред една година
- Rated 1 out of 5од Firefox user 14126351, пред 2 години1. The features related to the search-engine like Google, and even the settings page of this extension, both are a exact copy from this extension:
2. The sub-menu in the context menu it is also a copy or plagiarism of this other extension developed by one of the developers of the legendary and banned FVD Speed Dial:
Draw your own conclusions about it.Одговор на развивачот
posted пред 2 годиниYes as it SAYS in the options page of my plugin, it is forked from the cool "ChatGPT for Google" extension... my mods are ALSO open source at