ABV Notifier од ABV Team
Official ABV.bg notifier.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
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За ова проширување
ABV Notifier is a Mozilla Firefox extension, designed for ABV Mail users. It allows you to stay connected to your ABV mail box, using notifications in your Mozilla Firefox browser at a predefined interval.
Install ABV Notifier in three steps:
1. Click the “Add to Firefox” button and then choose “Install now”.
2. Restart your browser and then click the new ABV Mail icon that you will see in its upper right corner.
3. Click “New account” and enter your user name and password to add your account.
ABV Notifier could be used for up to 10 mail boxes. Use “Settings” section to make advanced changes, related to check interval and sound notifications.
Install ABV Notifier in three steps:
1. Click the “Add to Firefox” button and then choose “Install now”.
2. Restart your browser and then click the new ABV Mail icon that you will see in its upper right corner.
3. Click “New account” and enter your user name and password to add your account.
ABV Notifier could be used for up to 10 mail boxes. Use “Settings” section to make advanced changes, related to check interval and sound notifications.
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This add-on needs to:
- Exchange messages with programs other than Firefox
- Display notifications to you
- Access your data for sites in the abv.bg domain
Повеќе информации
- Add-on Links
- Верзија
- Големина
- 220,53 KB
- Обновено на
- пред 9 месеци (25 апр 2024)
- Related Categories
- Лиценца
- GNU General Public License v2.0 only
- Историја на верзиите
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