Magnifying Glass
Convert your mouse cursor to a high-quality magnifying glass
639 users
Weather Forecast
Provides local and long range weather forecast using Weather Underground
637 users
Private Tabs
Fed up with private windows? How about private tabs? When all private tabs are closed or the browser is restarted, all browsing data in private tabs is deleted.
635 users
M3U8/HLS Player with Custom Keyboard Controls
Advanced M3U8/HLS player with customized keyboard controls/shortcuts just like YouTube. Supports keyboard shortcuts, PIP mode, frame navigation, and live streams.
631 users
Website and IP address blocker
Block Websites and IP address. Additional feature: Option to only block the homepage.
625 users
Social Switch: Anonymous Instagram and TikTok
Redirect Instagram and TikTok URLs to anonymous viewers
621 users
Old Twitter Layout (2024)
Jauns paplašinājums, kas atgriež veco Twitter izskatu.
618 users
Web3 Antivirus
The security tool protects you from web3 scams by auditing transactions and detecting phishing websites.
600 users
Improve your experience using UpSignOn with autocompletion.
565 users
Adds SearXNG as the default search engine in your browser. Secure your queries with instant access to SearX metasearch engine.
548 users
Google & YouTube Cookie Consent Popup Blocker
Block “Before you continue” cookie consent popups on Google and YouTube
535 users
Privacy Focused Site Blocker (by
Site blocker with a focus on privacy. Block unlimited websites with schedules, password protection, and custom blocked pages
532 users
Temporary Email - EmailOnDeck
Superior Temporary Email Solutions - Extension does not track, read or view the websites you visit.
528 users
MaoXian web clipper
Clip information from web page to your local machine to avoid information invalidation. Save as HTML or Markdown, Pictures or styles will also be saved. free and respect your privacy.
527 users
Amazon Container
THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL ADDON FROM MOZILLA! It is a fork of the Google Container addon. Prevent Amazon from tracking you around the web. The Amazon Container extension helps you take control and isolate your web activity from Google.
524 users
Burp Proxy Switch Toggle Lite by ZishanAdThandar
Ethical Hackers|Bug Hunters|Pentesters|Cyber Security Researcher. Lightweight Burp Proxy switch. Note: Goto "about:addons" > "Extensions > Click on Burp >"Allow" "Run in Private Windows" #CyberSec #InfoSec #Hack #offsec
514 users
JShelter controls the APIs provided by the browser. The goal is to improve the privacy and security of the user running the extension.
496 users
Youtube Container
Youtube Container is a fork from facebook container that isolates your Youtube activity from the rest of your web activity in order to prevent Youtube from tracking you outside of the Youtube website via third party cookies.
492 users
TranslateLocally for Firefox
TranslateLocally for Firefox is a webextension that enables local and private in-page translations for web browsers. It is a stand-alone extension, but can integrate with TranslateLocally for custom models and even better performance.
491 users
Best Homepage Ever - Home and New Tab Launcher
Automatically sets Best Homepage Ever as Firefox's default homepage, giving you instant access to all of your favorite sites on one beautiful, personalized page. Optionally, you can opt to override the default new tab page as well. Try it today!
482 users
Tag Remover for Amazon
Remove the Amazon affiliate tracking ID (tag) from amazon links
480 users
FAST PROXY! Bypass Geo-Blocking and be free and anonymous online with our Premium Proxy. Our servers are super-optimized to guarantee an uninterrupted online experience. Access many servers around the world!
478 users
My IP Address Checker: Test IP + IPv6 + VPN
Displays IP address info and details like location + VPN usage when clicking on the IP button
475 users
Save my Chatbot - AI Conversation Exporter
🚀 Download Claude, Perplexity, Phind, ChatGPT and MaxAI-Google knowledge into markdown files!
475 users
Simple extension letting you uncheck all checkboxes on a page.
472 users