YouTube Redux のレビュー
YouTube Redux 作成者: omnidev0
合計レビュー数: 233
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Tendoi によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価James によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価sbnitty によるレビュー (2年前)Great! I never minded the layout changes until the most recent one in 2022. It sucks so bad I had to find something to revert to one of the old ones, thanks.
- 5 段階中 1 の評価Hotless によるレビュー (2年前)i expected this extension to to re-enable old features that YT devs disabled like the number of dislikes in a video or more recently the filter in a channel to sort videos from oldest to newest but i got none of those two, instead it made the homepage smaller and harder to read and pretty much all other features in this extension are useless.
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Firefox ユーザー 14848614 によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Juru によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 2 の評価Philo によるレビュー (2年前)Love the idea and it does work but it also seems to disbale all my other youtube add-ons such as the download button
- 5 段階中 3 の評価Firefox ユーザー 15061882 によるレビュー (2年前)Lovely addon, sadly it doesn't work that well on the lastest youtube shennanigens. Now there's an ekstra scrollbar with this addon active, what a shame.
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Kali によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価SVH によるレビュー (2年前)it needs a couple fixes, videos would appear with out the controls some times
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Firefox ユーザー 17735812 によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 4 の評価CrazyMew37 によるレビュー (2年前)I like this program! It lets me experience old Youtube again! My only complaint is that the Shuffle Button on playlists gets removed with this extension. If you can make that an option to enable/disable that, that would be great!
- 5 段階中 4 の評価thing68421 によるレビュー (2年前)This extension is extremely amazing, but what gets on my nerves is the double scrollbar bug, for some reason this only happens on firefox, so i dont really know the issue here
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Firefox ユーザー 17672326 によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価flyingfox851 によるレビュー (2年前)This addon is incredible and is still getting frequent updates. A lot of nice options to choose from and doesn't slow down at all.
- 5 段階中 3 の評価ggrdns によるレビュー (2年前)Unfortunately seems to have an issue with memory leaks, since installing the add-on firefox routinely reaches 5gb+ RAM usage after a few hours, even without actively using it or having a video open.. initially noticed it after checking task manager following performance issues only to see firefox using over 20gb of RAM
Otherwise a great add-on, making youtube infinitely more usable, while being quite customizable.
Only an option to fully collapse the sidebar in general, not just on the homepage would be nice - 5 段階中 4 の評価Matt によるレビュー (2年前)Amazing extension, a lifesaver, couldn't stand the new YouTuber layout, only two small things bother me:
-I use Enhancer for YouTube with the default option " Place controls within a control bar " so the options clip inside the description box while in default view
-A small misalignment issue with the "Up next" tab and the description while in theater mode
Other than that, no issues, works wonderfully - 5 段階中 4 の評価mana pustynna によるレビュー (2年前)its really good at replicating old layout and i love using it, but it has some cons:
- it gets laggy after some time
- sometimes videos repeat or skip when on playlists開発者の返信
投稿日時: 2年前I didn't experience any performance issues myself but I'll have a potential fix for it in the next update. - 5 段階中 5 の評価xcv warmane によるレビュー (2年前)This is probably among the top3 addons around.
Yet I still got a minor problem that occured first roughly 2 weeks ago: the upload date of the video is not shown anymore (to be precise it is there but apparantly is either overlapping with the view count or because the font is white, not sure but if I copy-paste the whole section I got it in my clipboard.) Also the subscribe button is wonky - see for reference.
Apart from that, thank you so much for this addon. - 5 段階中 5 の評価wood fired pizza によるレビュー (2年前)almost perfect, when using the extension, video ages don't show on recommended videos.
(works on homepage, subscriptions)
edit: thanks, somehow i missed this. 5 star extension開発者の返信
投稿日時: 2年前This is by design as old layout didn't have this information displayed. It can be restored by unchecking hiding "Related videos age" in "Hide features" section of Redux settings. - 5 段階中 5 の評価User999W12345 によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Firefox ユーザー 16347934 によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価leesan によるレビュー (2年前)There is 1 bug that i've encountered. If you press save to a playlist and then try to press outside the window of the playlist it doesn't it doesn't close. Could you check that out?
- 5 段階中 5 の評価C4 によるレビュー (2年前)
- 5 段階中 5 の評価Unix Dolphin によるレビュー (2年前)Thank you very much for this lovely addon that keep good things good . Please, continue to keep this majestic addon alive!
With love, I.