Zoom Page WE értékelései
Zoom Page WE szerző: DW-dev
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közzétéve: 5 éveZoom Page WE 17.0 requires access to two Firefox settings: 'browser.zoom.siteSpecific' and 'browser.zoom.full'. With previous versions of Zoom Page WE, users had to manually set the 'browser.zoom.siteSpecific' setting to 'false'. Many users did not know how to do this and were confused.
With Zoom Page WE 17.0, 'browser.zoom.siteSpecific' is automatically set to 'false' and 'browser.zoom.full' is automatically set to 'true'. These settings are only set automatically when using Firefox 75 or later versions. There is a new option to control these settings in the Zoom Page WE Options dialog.
With Zoom Page WE 17.0, 'browser.zoom.siteSpecific' is automatically set to 'false' and 'browser.zoom.full' is automatically set to 'true'. These settings are only set automatically when using Firefox 75 or later versions. There is a new option to control these settings in the Zoom Page WE Options dialog.