WebScrapBook értékelései
WebScrapBook szerző: Danny Lin
137 értékelés
- Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: n28, 7 éveI highly appreciate that you try to transform Scrapbook into a WebExtension. I have tons of data in Scrapbook X and followed all the instructions to install, migrate and capture, but in the current stage this is pure rocket science to install and use.
I am stuck with the data in my Download folder, can't capture, have no sidebar to display and search my data and I have no idea how to get any functionality from it, so I give up. If there's a small chance to re-enable the usability of Scrapbook X you should go this way.
Note: My one star rating is not at all meant to discourage you but to reflect the current stage of usability. Of course this will be changed when the usability rises. Thanks for your work! - Csillagos értékelés: 4 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 13445915, 7 éve
- Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: Bill Peschel, 7 éveDon't use if you expect to transfer your old Scrapbook data. Attempts to save and import the material failed repeatedly.
- Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: CyberAqyn, 7 éveDoesn't recognize proper Unicode text encoding in maff pages.
- Csillagos értékelés: 4 / 5készítette: jjclub, 7 éve請問有辦法import scrapbook.rdf? 我可以用site index但是我想要以前我命名的folder name回來
- Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: mbnoimi, 7 éveThis add-on useless without sidebar (the old one worked fine)
- Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: jadams, 7 éveSidebar is needed. Without sidebar this extension is useless!
- Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 13523201, 7 éveTwice I tried to use the indexer to index my Scrapbook X archive and the resulting tree doesn't display any of my saved pages. It is basically empty. Tried to open tree/frame.html and tree/map.html but it made no difference.
To answer Danny Lin's questions:
I copied the original folder to a new location and then the 1st time I selected to open a folder and selected it and the 2nd time I dragged and dropped it on the indexer page.
I picked to index the ScrapBook folder, the one that contains the data folder and the rdf files.
Output of indexer:
Got directory 'ScrapBook'. Inspecting files...
Found 279110 files. Found 'scrapbook.rdf' for legacy ScrapBook. Importing... Inspecting data files... Inspecting metadata... Inspecting TOC... Adding new items to TOC... Inspecting favicons... Checking for created and updated files... Generating fulltext cache... Creating cache for '20120308204342'... Creating cache for '20160405214414'... Creating cache for '20140803112931'... Creating cache for '20150301111333'... Creating cache for '20140607214937'... Creating cache for '20120408181737'... Creating cache for '20150610205548'... Creating cache for '20150804222048'...
Creating cache for '20151213141303'... Creating cache for '20151109181126'... Creating cache for '20140919193509'... Creating cache for '20170116200240'... Generating zip file... If the download doesn't start, click me. Done.
The ScrapBook.zip contains the following:
Archive: ScrapBook.zip
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 2017-12-30 04:15 tree/
2651584 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/meta.js
132501 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/toc.js
9949 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/map.html
526 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/frame.html
21474 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/search.html
0 2017-12-30 04:15 tree/icon/
807 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/toggle.png
661 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/search.png
281 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/collapse.png
279 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/expand.png
523 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/external.png
502 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/item.png
752 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/fclose.png
790 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/fopen.png
445 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/note.png
515 2017-12-29 22:15 tree/icon/postit.png
60927503 2017-12-29 22:22 tree/fulltext.js
--------- -------
63749092 18 filesFejlesztői válasz
közzétéve: 7 évePlease provide more detail: Where do you save web pages to? How do you run the indexer (by dropping or by selecting a folder or a file)? Which is the folder you pick to index? What is the output of the indexer?
Do you see a list of your captured pages when you open tree/frame.html or tree/map.html? If yes, the indexing seems successful. Just note that the zip only contains the "list" part, and you need to extract them into your ScrapBook folder (so that your ScrapBook folder has data/, tree/, etc.), or each link to the page will show nothing. - Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: Anach, 7 éveThe interface for this add-on is terribly user-unfriendly compared to the Scrapbook add-on. The primary thing I wanted it for was to read my old data, like everyone else here, which you would think would be the primary feature and something done automatically, especially during the migration stage of a new add-on, but instead I have to mess around with an import feature that has multiple convoluted steps and doesn't even work properly.
I've followed the import function to generate a site index, for a copy of my old Scrapbook folder within my /one drive/documents/WebScrapBook folder. I am unable to drag and drop like the instructions suggest, because the interface automatically closes upon losing focus. The folder select button was my only other option, but upon using that, nothing happens at all.Fejlesztői válasz
közzétéve: 7 éveIf you simply want to view the ScrapBook X data, using the "output HTML tree" feature would be an easier approach. (But you have to get an old-Firefox-like browser with ScrapBook X installed, of course.)
If want to add new data to the tree, you do have to transfer to Web ScrapBook and dig in the site indexing feature. It seems like you met a bug on your platform, but it just doesn't happen on our (and probably most users') machine, and you'd have to provide more detail for us to debug.
Please provide your OS, browser, and Web ScrapBook name and versions. And a more detailed steps to reproduce the issue (a short movie or a series of screenshots would be helpful). Also check the browser console for an error message when nothing happens as expected when you've picked a folder.
It'd be better to post the issue in our issue tracker (https://github.com/danny0838/webscrapbook/issues) since the AMO feedback area is not good enough to propagate an issue.
Sorry for not being friendly enough for the UI, since there's too many things to be implemented, and we need a lot more time to optimize the UI. If you have a specific suggestion it's also welcomed to share it. - Csillagos értékelés: 5 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 12727537, 7 éve请问开发者ScrapBook X不更新是因为firefox57对应用权限的限制吗?那我还需要等待ScrapBook X的更新吗?
(注明:你的这两款扩展都非常棒)Fejlesztői válasz
közzétéve: 7 éveFirefox 57 完全不支援傳統附加元件,因此只能用新架構重寫,但新架構限制多,不保證能做到所有 ScrapBook X 的功能,因此另外開發獨立的 Web ScrapBook 套件供新版瀏覽器使用。ScrapBook X 會繼續支援舊瀏覽器及做基本維護。 - Csillagos értékelés: 5 / 5készítette: K8, 7 éve
- Csillagos értékelés: 4 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 13354063, 7 éve非常好的应用,firefox升级后一直在寻找替代品,这个基本功能是可能满足了。有个小问题想请作者能不能解决下,选项里如果勾选“将获取数据保存于剪贴簿中”,将自动保存网页,但是其文件名是自动分配的一串数字;如果不勾选,会提示选取保存地址,并且以网页标题为保存文件的文件名。我希望能够自动保存时,以网页标题作为文件名,如何实现?
Fejlesztői válasz
közzétéve: 7 éve勾選「儲存於剪貼簿中」時,所有檔案或資料夾皆儲存為標準 ID 格式,以支援站台索引器的交互參照結構;不勾選時則模擬瀏覽器儲存網頁的做法,自動產生檔名並且讓使用者選擇儲存位置。目前並未支援「自動儲存且使用網頁標題為檔名」的做法。 - Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 13601167, 7 éve
- Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: Alex, 7 éveНеудобный интерфейс. Нет стабильности в работе. Не все страницы сохраняет. Нарушается формат страницы. Тестировал на FireFox 57, Win 7 x64.
Возможность выбора места ( каталога ) сохранения страницы очень полезна ( удобна ), особенно при использовании функции ScrapBook AutoSave.
На данный момент остаюсь на ScrapBook X.Fejlesztői válasz
közzétéve: 7 éveIf possible, please provide more detail when Web ScrapBook doesn't work as expected. Such as the web page URL and your capture settings. Better report to our issue tracker (as the description says). - Csillagos értékelés: 2 / 5készítette: css0101, 7 éveThank you for continuing the original extension. But it's still a bit inconvenient to use. Why does it ask me about the path to save the file? Where can I specify the folder for the database of saved pages? How to quickly view saved pages?
The old extension was convenient because of the ease of use. The page is not so difficult to maintain as standard browser tools.
And I would like to have a connector for the base from the old extension. I have a large database of saved pages. I think not only I have one.Fejlesztői válasz
közzétéve: 7 éveCaptures are saved to the ScrapBook folder if (and only if) "Save captured data to ScrapBook folder" is checked, and you can then use the site indexer to build a site index (page list) for them. You can also build a site index of the ScrapBook folder made from legacy ScrapBook (X). For further info see: https://github.com/danny0838/webscrapbook/wiki/Indexer - Csillagos értékelés: 5 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 13002819, 7 éve
- Csillagos értékelés: 5 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 12306541, 7 éve
- Csillagos értékelés: 3 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 13540500, 7 éve可以瀏覽以前儲存的資料嗎?
另外,強烈譴責 mozilla.org !好好的一堆工具硬生生停用,沒有任何相容措施(至少讓用戶選擇保留沒問題的工具),罔顧客戶使用體驗與權益!!Fejlesztői válasz
közzétéve: 7 éve可以對 ScrapBook 資料夾建立站台索引供跨平台檢視,也可以編輯,不過目前還沒有 ScrapBook 的 UI 那麼方便。請參見:https://github.com/danny0838/webscrapbook/wiki/(zh-tw)Import - Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: Yinyong, 7 éveNada como la versión anterior. Esto es un desastre. No sirve. Es un problema para "ver" lo guardado!!!!!
Sugerencia: Cambiar el nombre de la extensión por "Web CRAPbook" - Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 13503988, 7 éve
- Csillagos értékelés: 1 / 5készítette: Firefox felhasználó 13486900, 7 éve不能右键另存为mht,"save as htm"是本来存在的功能无什么意义.而且要等好几秒才弹出窗口,影响效率.
- Csillagos értékelés: 5 / 5készítette: Whim, 7 éve很好很感謝,找到了替代品,但是和原來的ScrapBook X相比,還缺少左邊的目錄樹,希望作者能繼續更新。thanks!
And please add the sidebar menu like Scarp book X. I can't live without that too...... For Firefox 57