Cookie-Editor lets you efficiently create, edit and delete a cookie for the current tab. Perfect for developing, quickly testing or even manually managing your cookies for your privacy.
78.103 korisnika
Time to Level Up Privacy with SandVPN: FREE, FAST VPN PROXY! Bypass Geo-Blocking and be free and anonymous online with our Safe and Secure VPN. Safe Browsing - Blacklist & Whitelist URLs Feature - Smart Proxy Feature!
71.669 korisnika
ZenMate Free VPN
ZenMate VPN - The best free Firefox VPN extension to hide your IP. Encrypt your connection, access our secure proxy servers & unblock websites easily.
64.746 korisnika
Popup Blocker Ultimate
Best Pop-up Blocker for Firefox. (Best in Rating, Performance, This addon does NOT collect user's data same as Poper Blocker)If your Firefox version is not 57+ please install version 8.1 from <a href="" rel="nofollow">Official website</a>.
62.355 korisnika
Blocking ads and fighting back against advertising surveillance.
61.394 korisnika
Firefox Translations
Translate websites in your browser, privately, without using the cloud. The functionality from this extension is now integrated into Firefox.
58.379 korisnika
Privacy Possum
Privacy Possum monkey wrenches common commercial tracking methods by reducing and falsifying the data gathered by tracking companies.
57.801 korisnik
Indie Wiki Buddy
Helping you discover quality, independent wikis! When visiting a Fandom wiki, Indie Wiki Buddy redirects or alerts you of independent alternatives. It also filters search engine results. BreezeWiki is also supported, to reduce clutter on Fandom.
54.113 korisnika
NordPass® Password Manager & Digital Vault
NordPass is your freedom from password stress. Generate and securely store strong passwords and autofill them with a single click.
52.993 korisnika
Automatic handling of GDPR consent forms
50.270 korisnika
Startpage Privacy Protection
By installing the free Startpage Privacy Protection extension you will be able to stop trackers and cookies and set Startpage as your default search engine.
47.181 korisnik
Norton AntiTrack
Feel like you have little to no control over what information the sites you visit collect and share? Norton AntiTrack can help.
45.106 korisnika
Proton VPN: Fast & Secure
Secure your internet and protect your online privacy in one click.
43.533 korisnika
VPN add-on
Anonymous, secure and unrestricted VPN service! Unblock websites and access unlimited content with a free VPN by uVPN
40.821 korisnik
Qwant - Search engine
With this extension, Qwant becomes your default search engine on your browser! 🚀
38.183 korisnika
Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans
Save time by asking Buster to solve CAPTCHAs for you.
34.910 korisnika
Privacy Extension For WhatsApp™ Web
The Privacy Extension For WhatsApp™ Web hides your messages from unwanted glimpses until you hover over them. In the search bar, you can disable the blur effect on all messages manually and specify what elements to blur.
34.192 korisnika
Kee - Password Manager
Save time, sign in easily to websites and avoid the hassle of forgotten password resets. Protect yourself and people you know from the nightmare of your accounts being hacked.
26.900 korisnika
All-in-one bookmark manager
24.219 korisnika
Offline QR Code Generator
This add-on allows you to quickly generate a QR code offline with the URL of the open tab or any (selected) other text! 👍 It works completely offline protecting your privacy and has a big range of features like colored QR codes!
22.635 korisnika
Silk - Privacy Pass Client
Client support for Privacy Pass anonymous authorization protocol.
20.302 korisnika
Emulates remote frameworks (e.g. jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS) and delivers them as local resource. Prevents unnecessary 3rd party requests to Google, StackPath, MaxCDN and more. Prepared rules for uBlock Origin/uMatrix.
19.091 korisnik
Linguist - web pages translator
Translate web pages, highlighted text, Netflix subtitles, private messages, speak text, and save important translations to your personal dictionary to learn words in 130 languages.
19.003 korisnika
Obsidian Web Clipper
Save and highlight web pages in a private and durable format that you can access offline. The official browser extension for Obsidian.
17.008 korisnika
UnTrap for YouTube
Hide YouTube recommendations, shorts, comments, suggestions, related videos, trending and other distractions.
16.731 korisnik