5 משתמשים
NSFW Content Blocker
The NSFW Content Blocker, blocks any NSFW content from loading in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Add the NSFW Content Blocker add-on to your browser and prevent accidental exposure to pornographic, violent and gore content in the web page.
5 משתמשים
5 משתמשים
4 משתמשים
Joker Monkey
Joker Monkey is a fun and playful browser extension that adds a touch of humor to your browsing experience. With this extension, you can expect to see a randomly generated joke or pun every time. Humor Smile Laugh Funny Fun Happy Random Jokes Enjoy
4 משתמשים
Syngant Mobile Store
Download the best ringtones, wallpapers and notification sounds to Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, PWA, All Platform and All Devices supported
4 משתמשים
Bazinga (Bulk Image Download)
Download multiple images instantly! %100 free
4 משתמשים
Skoleom SeSync
Achetez en un clic, sans interruption ! Transformez chaque vidéo en une boutique interactive et profitez d’offres exclusives.
4 משתמשים
Watch memes on the go, while surfing web.
4 משתמשים
Insta Search
Search Instagram account posts by caption keywords, user tags, and locations. Note: This is an automated tool. Use at your own risk. You do not need an Instagram account to use this extension.
4 משתמשים
Google Search Tweaker — tiled google search
Customize the looks and behavior of your Google search page
4 משתמשים
45书签页 自定义导航页 DIYTab标签专属轻量游览器起始页中文Chat AI
45新标签页(简称DIYTab标签页、自定义导航页)个性自创!,简约导航,予你分享!自定义您新标签页上的导航卡片、趣玩性空间大、内置精美壁纸及搜索引擎,创建、编辑及分享属于您自己的浏览器标签页,美化您的浏览器主页与45新标签页!可高度自定义的书签桌面化管理工具;集成 图标手动排序、大文件夹、动态壁纸,并提供了 Chat AI、天气、日历、待办、倒计时等诸多精美导航小组件,更多功能正在开发中请敬请期待!
4 משתמשים
Morphic Search Engine
Adds morphic.sh as search engine.
4 משתמשים
4 משתמשים
Home Page++
Dynamic themes, task list, sweet greetings, set wallpaper or use Bing. No ads, no tracking, full freedom. Have an awesome time!
4 משתמשים
Tab queue
Add links to queue and open them progressively
4 משתמשים
Fake Cat Generator
Generates an image from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/135b1cc452c071385ae5beda3dece07865cdf40d096185e58bb79febcfefdc3d/https%3A//thiscatdoesnotexist.com/" rel="nofollow">https://thiscatdoesnotexist.com/</a> and shows it to you.
3 משתמשים
3 משתמשים
Extensão do site <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/6a91d1120aba5149062774409e9559d53fc12230c2feee35cd0a68944be7242b/http%3A//Arquivo.pt" rel="nofollow">Arquivo.pt</a>
3 משתמשים
סרגל הכתובות ChatGPT
הקלד @chatgpt בסרגל הכתובות כדי לקבל תשובות מ - ChatGPT
3 משתמשים
3 משתמשים
Phind Omnibox
הקלד @phind בסרגל הכתובות כדי לחפש באמצעות Phind AI
3 משתמשים
3 משתמשים
SuperEmotes lets you upload and add public emotes to your personal emote inventory (we call theme "slots") that people can now use on your channel live chat and comments. We also let you see video tags and use themes for live chat.
3 משתמשים