מדיניות פרטיות עבור Image Search Options
Image Search Options Xamayon מאת
Image Search Options extension privacy policy:
While browsing with this extension installed, and without interacting with the extension, no data is sent by this extension anywhere. This extension does not intentionally modify the browsed pages in any way, and its installation or configuration status is not intentionally detectable.
When a context menu item is clicked to submit an image to one or more configured services, the image data and URL associated with the item right clicked on is accessed and sent to those services as configured in the extension's options menu. No tracking of requests is done by the extension, and no tracking information is sent with the request.
When the context menu is generated, Firefox will load any configured and enabled service icons. The default icons configured in Image Search Options are all loaded from local resources inside of the extension. If a user configures the extension to use an icon from an external URL, that URL will be accessed during context menu generation.
tmp.SauceNAO.com intermediary image host privacy policy:
tmp.saucenao.com is a temporary file hosting service which allows the extension to, optionally, upload image data using a POST request and receive a randomly generated temporary URL to access that image data as a file. The provided temporary URL is then used by the extension to perform the service request.
This capability is needed for services which do not support POSTing image data directly, or which do not support providing access to the result page in a re-loadable way for opening in a browser tab.
The tmp.saucenao.com site stores the provided data for less than 10 minutes as a randomly named file to allow time for the request to be processed by the service the temporary URL was submitted to. The randomly named file is stored solely for the purposes of providing access to the requested services via the temporary URL, and is not used for any other purposes. After the period of time has elapsed, the file is irrecoverably deleted.
The tmp.saucenao.com site does not use any cookies, does not have any tracking scripts, and does not monitor users in any way.
The web server the tmp.saucenao.com temporary file host is running on maintains access logs, which include the time, IP, referrer, and accessed URL, but which do not contain any submitted or accessed file data. These access logs are maintained for capacity planning, error remediation, and abuse detection purposes. Access logs will not be shared with any outside parties except as required by law.
External services privacy policies:
Image Search Options allows access to various third party web services through the extension’s user configurable options. With the exception of SauceNAO.com and tmp.SauceNAO.com, the creators of this extension are not affiliated with any of the services used by the default set of options. Please visit the web sites associated with the various third party services to view their specific privacy policies