סקירות עבור 10ten Japanese Reader (Rikaichamp)
10ten Japanese Reader (Rikaichamp) Birchill מאת
תגובה מאת Birchill
תגובת המפתח
מועד פרסום: לפני 5 שניםThank you very much for your feedback. I'm not sure I understand exactly what is included in the top-level display.
Would you mind to either file an issue at https://github.com/birtles/rikaichamp/issues or send a message on twitter (@rikaichamp) or email (birtles@gmail.com). Thank you!
Would you mind to either file an issue at https://github.com/birtles/rikaichamp/issues or send a message on twitter (@rikaichamp) or email (birtles@gmail.com). Thank you!