G App Launcher (Google™ Shortcuts)
Previously known as Google™ Shortcuts.Display all Google services as buttons or as a space-saving dropdown menu next to your address bar. Reach services like Gmail, Google Drive, Maps, Calendar, and many more in a single click from your browser.
8,489 úsáideoir
Activate Reader View
This add-on adds a button to the toolbar. Clicking on it activates the Reader View even if the icon in the address bar is not present.
8,436 úsáideoir
Tab Rotator
The Tab Rotator automatically switches between the open tabs of a browser window after a certain amount of time.
8,310 úsáideoir
Tasks for Canvas™
A better to-do list sidebar for Canvas. The Tasks browser extension for Canvas™ updates the Canvas dashboard sidebar to show all of your weekly assignments and track your progress throughout the week.
8,170 úsáideoir
Discover what runs a website - This Firefox extension helps you identify technologies used on any website at the click of a button.
8,123 úsáideoir
News Feed Eradicator
Find yourself spending too much time on Facebook? Eradicate distractions by replacing your entire news feed with an inspiring quote
8,036 úsáideoir
Bonjourr · Minimalist and lightweight startpage
Improve your web browsing experience with Bonjourr, a beautiful, customizable and lightweight homepage inspired by iOS.
7,814 úsáideoir
Markdown Viewer Webext
Displays markdown documents beautified in your browser.
7,684 úsáideoir
Copy All Tab Urls
Copy All Tab Urls
7,301 úsáideoir
Save Image to Pinterest on Right Click
Save any pictures to your Pinterest account with just a right click on the image.
7,290 úsáideoir
Vimium C - All by Keyboard
A keyboard shortcut tool for keyboard-based page navigation and browser tab operations with an advanced omnibar and global shortcuts
7,074 úsáideoir
Save PDF
Save current page as PDF. Very simple. No permissions, no third-party server. Uses only built-in Firefox converter. Works on Windows and Linux, not on Mac.
7,074 úsáideoir
KellyC Show YouTube Dislikes
Show dislikes on Youtube ** Extension can be disabled after update \ install by default - check it is enabled - then restart browser if not work **
6,908 úsáideoir
JavaScript Switcher
A lightweight addon that adds a Toggle button in URL bar, for toggling JavaScript (on or off) individually per domain, and stores that for future visit. Works also with Firefox 57+.
6,793 úsáideoir
Night Eye - Dark mode
With Night Eye, you can easily switch websites between dark and light mode as desired to take care of your eyes and reduce eye strain. Make your online experience more comfortable and enjoyable with this simple and convenient tool.
6,735 úsáideoir
Theme Font & Size Changer
Theme Font & Size Changer lets you change the global font size and font family used for the user interface in Firefox. Design your browser with your favorite font.
6,703 úsáideoir
QRCode Scanner
Scan and decode QR Code. Internet is not required.
6,608 úsáideoir
Binnen-I be gone
Filtert Binnen-Is auf deutschsprachigen Webseiten
6,594 úsáideoir
Draw on Page
Easily draw on any website with simple drawing tools, then print the result.
6,479 úsáideoir
Full Screen for Firefox
Go full screen with one click on the full screen button. That includes also the full screen movies such as the YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Youku video player, etc.
6,445 úsáideoir
مترجم ، اولین افزونه ترجمه خودکار
مترجم ، اولین افزونه ترجمه خودکار صفحه خود را در زمان واقعی با استفاده از Google یا Yandex ترجمه کنید. Regards , Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard :)
6,320 úsáideoir
Quick Dial
Quick Dial, a speed dial page inspired from fast dial. Full Open Source, No Web Service, No Cloud Account, your data is your own.
6,273 úsáideoir
Rutracker Torrent Search
Easy and quick search for books, music, videos in torrents.
6,154 úsáideoir
ePUB Reader
View ePUB files right in your browser in a popup window.
6,027 úsáideoir
DjVu.js Viewer
The extension is a local copy of the DjVu.js Viewer which is available on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/524b8b58227b2ac61786ca06816628f1a915b24b22e7484f890a829e9bb5c062/https%3A//djvu.js.org/" rel="nofollow">https://djvu.js.org/</a>. It allows you to open links to .djvu files right in the browser and .djvu files from a local drive. Also, it processes <embed> tag with .djvu files.
6,016 úsáideoir