Mobile View Switcher
Switch to mobile view with one click via toolbar button.
12,024 úsáideoir
Tab Mix - Links
Tab browsing with an added boost.
11,909 úsáideoir
Pixiv Toolkit
Convert ugoira to gif or/and webm, pack manga for downloading and download novel on Pixiv.
11,794 úsáideoir
Minimal Theme for 𝕏 / Twitter
Declutter and refine the 𝕏 / Twitter web experience.
11,606 úsáideoir
Tile Tabs WE
Take tabs from parent windows and arrange them in layouts of tiled sub-windows, using the toolbar button, context menu or keyboard shortcuts. Makes it easy to browse, compare or monitor multiple pages. Synchronize scroll. Save and re-open layouts.
11,516 úsáideoir
YouTube MP4
View YouTube videos in raw MP4 format. Get notifications about available videos and formats.
10,365 úsáideoir
Search by Image on Google
Right click on an image to search Google for related images or versions in different sizes.
10,329 úsáideoir
Mp3 Downloader for SoundCloud™
Add download link to all SoundClould tracks
10,240 úsáideoir
Dark Theme for Google™
A highly customizable dark theme for Google products (search, images, translate, and contacts)
10,204 úsáideoir
Auto Fullscreen
Auto Fullscreen for Firefox Quantum
10,117 úsáideoir
9,985 úsáideoir
Adaware AdBlock
By blocking annoying ads and nosy trackers, Adaware AdBlock nearly doubles your browsing speed! And with the most robust antivirus-level cloud-scanning technology of any ad blocker on the market, you’ll be safe from the latest cyber-threats.
9,822 úsáideoir
New Tab Tools
Customizes the new tab page. Add more tiles. Have a background image. Set new tile images and titles. See recently closed tabs. And more...
9,803 úsáideoir
Youtube Ad Auto-skipper
Youtube Ad Skipper is an extension that auto skips ads after youtube provides a skip ad button. It does not block an ad.
9,741 úsáideoir
Save Screenshot
Saves the current page as image file or copies it to clipboard.
9,716 úsáideoir
Clickbait Remover for Youtube
Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
9,701 úsáideoir
Enable Picture-in-Picture
Aktiviert automatisch die Bild-in-Bild Funktion (PiP) für alle Webvideos, zum Beispiel auf der Website des ZDF.
9,606 úsáideoir
Tab Counter
Add a badge to the toolbar that shows the number of currently open tabs in a window or all windows.
9,367 úsáideoir
Open Link with New Tab
Open the link in a new tab depending on the setting.
9,280 úsáideoir
Refined GitHub
Simplifies the GitHub interface and adds many useful features.
9,214 úsáideoir
Always on Top
Sets "Always on Top" style for your Firefox window
9,179 úsáideoir
Яндекс Эволюция - Поиск Yandex Search
Российский поисковик Яндекс (Яndex, Yandex)
9,057 úsáideoir
Temp Mail - Disposable Temporary Email
Temporary disposable email address. Protect your email from spam, bots and phishing with Temp-Mail.
9,008 úsáideoir
リンクになってないURL文字列をダブルクリックで開けます Google翻訳もできます
8,983 úsáideoir
Midnight Lizard
Custom color schemes for all websites: night mode, dark themes, blue light filter, screen shader, high contrast, grayscale, etc.
8,815 úsáideoir