Critiques pour Tree Style Tab
Tree Style Tab par Piro (piro_or)
262 notes
- Noté 4 sur 5par n0TfiX, il y a 3 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par jokenngo, il y a 3 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par DERAUW, il y a 3 ansAlors j'ai sous la main, tous mes onglets sans continuer à les chercher. Fantastique !
- Noté 4 sur 5par fishbug, il y a 3 ansVery nice, except I would wish that one feature was added: Opening a whole tree in container tabs, or otherwise being able to collapse a tab tree in the tab bar on top.
- Noté 4 sur 5par doryudo664, il y a 3 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Cicero, il y a 3 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par mahmutelmas06, il y a 3 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 17096977 de Firefox, il y a 3 ansVery cool but a bit overrated. Options are messy and some don't even work (special actions on 'new tab').
- Noté 4 sur 5par joom, il y a 3 ans基本满足侧边栏要求。但是有问题:
用firefox color 自定义颜色时,“树状标签页“这里无法自定义,这就很尴尬,侧边栏和工具栏中间永远隔了一块。
希望作者参考一下edge垂直标签栏做一些优化,谢谢。 - Noté 4 sur 5par frosztbyte, il y a 3 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par John Bennett, il y a 3 ansLike it.
Gives me the freedom to use those extra couple of cm's at the top of the screen, by utilising the side of the screen a bit.
Been using it now several years. - Noté 4 sur 5par ghorbanali zare, il y a 3 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 16618313 de Firefox, il y a 3 ansOverall great, but it becomes too laggy when many tabs are opened.
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13918195 de Firefox, il y a 3 ansGreat extension for managing a bunch of tabs!
One annoyance: Sometimes when I click on a tab, if I'm moving the mouse a little it'll put the tab in a new window. Can be a little annoying to move it back if it has a bunch of branches.
Otherwise, great stuff! - Noté 4 sur 5par Icekhold, il y a 4 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13613553 de Firefox, il y a 4 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par 神游八方, il y a 4 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par 莫闵, il y a 4 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par phos, il y a 4 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13949976 de Firefox, il y a 4 ansLove the extension in general but please let us turn off the new 'New Tab' context menu option. We are used to 'reload' being the top selection and the 'New Tab' at the top has changed our workflow. Thanks!
- Noté 4 sur 5par Carsten, il y a 4 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par ArtI, il y a 4 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par wagenrace, il y a 4 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Johann, il y a 4 ansSince months I use your TST, but there is a problem:
When opening a lost session via Tab Session Manager the tab order ist lost.
Does nobody have this same problem ?
Perhaps its only an adjustment.
I did tests now by saving and reopen of a (one) window:
Reopening works fine when active tab is the most right one.
Atherwise only the tabs left to the active one are correct after reopening. The tabs to the right of the active one are reopened in wrong order.
What I think also, saving is not the problem, it's the reopening !
Whould be nice to hear if you found that as i do and more nice if you would correct this issue.
*** an older rating:
It's a must have for me, BUT there is a bug when FF 68.9.0esr crashes:
I had a structure with about 50 tabs. I closed this window, left an other open. The closed window was automatically saved in "Tab Session Manager". Shortly later my Browser crashed. I thought no problem I have saved my important window and structure.
. But NO, after FF restart there are no chronicles within FF and after restore from "Tab Session Manager" the structure was lost.
-> This loss never happens when I closed and restarted FF.
My questions:
-How do I get back my structure ? or
-What must I do that in this situation my structure is automatically restored ?
Hopefully you are able to help !?! (running OS is Windows 8)
NOW I found a solution for me. Perhaps you will correct this once:
I found out that a restore from "TabSessionManager" is mirroring the tab-order.
So when Firefox is crashing and I really have to use a restore from "TabSessionManager", I save again the restored tabs and restore it again.
-> A double-mirroring will bring it in correct order and "TrueStyleTab" brings back my lost style.
Conclusion: I think the fault is in "TabSessionManager" not in "TrueStyleTab"