Critiques pour TWP - Translate Web Pages
TWP - Translate Web Pages par Filipe Dev
Avis de Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18798755 de Firefox
Noté 2 sur 5
par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 18798755 de Firefox, il y a 22 joursused to be decent but since a few days it's been completely borked with terrible translation from japanese->english and chinese->english. thought it was an issue on google's side but if I input the urls through google translate and translate the page that way I get the regular old translation quality again. something's funky with the extension itself, it seems. however, other translation extensions that work similarly like linguist also seem to return a very broken translation. the issue might be on the api side tbh. also side note: even before these issues the extension struggled with furigana and certain kanji, choosing to use the chinese translation instead