Critiques pour ShortsBlocker - Remove Shorts from YouTube
ShortsBlocker - Remove Shorts from YouTube par SageMod
Avis de heubergen
Noté 1 sur 5
par heubergen, il y a un anNeeds access to all website so that it can feed you their amazon referral link. Not cool.
34 notes
- Noté 1 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 14799992 de Firefox, il y a 6 moisThis china spyware app doesn't block Youtube shorts or anything positive, it just needs access to everything so they can mine your personal information and feed you their amazon referral link.
- Noté 1 sur 5par Ahmedak, il y a un an
- Noté 1 sur 5par TehDash, il y a un anData collector bollocks, forces you to use their amazon referral code and breaks the refresh function on amazon
- Noté 1 sur 5par, il y a un anData collector. This plugin requires access to all your websites. Dont download, this permission is inexplicable
- Noté 5 sur 5par ColCh, il y a un an
- Noté 5 sur 5par Nova, il y a un anthank you so much for releasing this, there's just no point in shorts being on desktop ❤️
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 16625744 de Firefox, il y a 2 ansthe only one that works as of july 2023
- Noté 1 sur 5par TheReviewer, il y a 2 ans
- Noté 4 sur 5par Ren, il y a 2 ansthe extension is good, the only concern is that it's "all or nothing".
Why not leave an option to temporarily activate the shorts on youtube?
Me what pisses me off is that these fucking shorts are in my subscription tab and hide the other videos and overload the page with bullshit, it's not see them in the main page as long as it's tidy...
Why remove the shorts section? Doesn't that affect usage?
and why not put a button on the extension to deactivate it???????? - Noté 3 sur 5par chalupa_jt, il y a 2 ansI mean it accomplishes what it sets out to accomplish. However I realized after a couple weeks that it was really harming performance. Over time, youtube pages become slower and slower. After 5 minutes it becomes noticeable, and after something like 20 it becomes unbearable. Although it seems you can reset this by simply reloading the tab.
At first I thought it was just my macbook being old, but after some troubleshooting I found it was definitely this add-on. Really hoping for an optimization update, because it was actually quite nice not seeing shorts anymore. - Noté 5 sur 5par Avatar, il y a 2 ansРаботает отлично. В очень редких случаях короткие видео не исчезают и требуется обновить страницу
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 17847826 de Firefox, il y a 2 ans
- Noté 1 sur 5par Kenneth Rosenstroem, il y a 2 ansDid not remove any shorts as of today.
Answer #1: I just installed it 10 min ago, so the latest from here. Screenshot:éponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 2 ansHi Kenneth,
can you quickly check if you're using the latest version? Because, I updated the extension two days and it suppose to fix a lot of issues. - Noté 5 sur 5par DTC, il y a 2 ans
- Noté 3 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 17751022 de Firefox, il y a 2 ansOnly works on homepage and sub page for me.. the shorts are heavy on a page with a video playing
Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 2 ansI have pushed a major fix. can you update your extension? and let me know if the newer version still has any problem. - Noté 3 sur 5par Cronodoug, il y a 2 ansI don't know what Youtube changed on the platform, but it seems that Shorts are now considered common videos and are not removed anymore. To make matters worse when clicking on channels, you can send them to others with a similar name.
Réponse du développeur
mis en ligne : il y a 2 ansI have pushed a major fix. can you update your extension? and let me know if the newer version still has any problem. - Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 13401427 de Firefox, il y a 2 ansnice add-on
why yt put these foreign shit in trending list - Noté 2 sur 5par Shinpachi, il y a 2 ansSimple html masking which is done only after the page is loaded, and only works every other time
- Noté 5 sur 5par Utilisateur ou utilisatrice 17689926 de Firefox, il y a 2 ansDoes exactly what it says it does. Incredible, I now have a home feed and subscription feed free from shorts!