Spoof your browser profile. Includes a few privacy enhancing options. A WebExtension port of Random Agent Spoofer.
9 276 utilisateurs
Redirects YouTube, Twitter, TikTok... requests to alternative privacy friendly frontends.
8 750 utilisateurs Redirect
Redirects all requests from wikis that have moved to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> from their former host.
6 720 utilisateurs
SmartProxy is a smart automatic proxy switcher that will automatically enable/disable proxy for the sites you visit, based on customizable rules.
5 290 utilisateurs
Alby - Bitcoin Lightning Wallet & Nostr
Your Bitcoin Lightning wallet and companion for accessing Bitcoin and Nostr apps, payments across the globe and passwordless logins.
2 476 utilisateurs
FMHY SafeGuard
An extension that detects starred, safe, unsafe or potentially unsafe sites using the FMHY Filterlist.
2 247 utilisateurs
Speed Dial | SwiftDial
Page d’accueil | Nouvel onglet | 📱 Moderne | 🎨 Facilement personnalisable | 🛡️ Respecte la vie privée |
1 757 utilisateurs
HaramBlur - Blur Haram & NSFW Images & Videos
Protect your privacy and uphold Islamic values by auto detecting & blurring images and videos of unwanted or impermissible content.
1 512 utilisateurs
AdDefender - AdBlocker
This extension blocks ads on websites to improve user experience.
1 061 utilisateurs
IP Whois
View info about IP, DNS records, SSL, country flag, domain whois, location, stats and more of any website.
830 utilisateurs
Extension pour Bloquer les Sites
Bloquez et redirigez facilement les sites web avec des règles personnalisées pour rester concentré et productif.
707 utilisateurs
Removes the Paywall from certain webpages, such as some News Outlets. Use by clicking on the extension
635 utilisateurs
622 utilisateurs
Old Twitter Layout (2024)
Une nouvelle extension qui redonne à Twitter son ancienne apparence.
593 utilisateurs
Bloqueur de site axé sur la confidentialité
Un bloqueur de sites qui met l'accent sur la protection de la vie privée. Bloque un nombre illimité de sites web avec des horaires, une protection par mot de passe et des pages bloquées personnalisées
537 utilisateurs
Google & YouTube Cookie Consent Popup Blocker
Block “Before you continue” cookie consent popups on Google and YouTube
535 utilisateurs
Website and IP address blocker
Block Websites and IP address. Additional feature: Option to only block the homepage.
509 utilisateurs
JShelter controls the APIs provided by the browser. The goal is to improve the privacy and security of the user running the extension.
497 utilisateurs
Simple extension letting you uncheck all checkboxes on a page.
479 utilisateurs
TrackWapp WhatsApp Online Monitor
When your crush 💕 be online 🤳 on whatsapp👀 get notification 🔔 in your Desktop 🖥️ and cross platform notification without any installed app in Smartphone 📱 and more
474 utilisateurs
My IP Address Checker: Test IP + IPv6 + VPN
Displays IP address info and details like location + VPN usage when clicking on the IP button
474 utilisateurs
Intercept Redirect
Skip tracking redirects that serve no purpose other than to waste your valuable time.
412 utilisateurs
QR Code for Firefox
QR Code for Firefox generates QR codes independently, simple and fast, and can be generated immediately for 256 colors of any size! The latest version of this addon has been updated to Please upgrade and use it as soon as possible.
398 utilisateurs
Mini Proxy
Расширение для доступа к выбранным вами сайтам через прокси.
397 utilisateurs
Stop Malware Content
Bloquez l'accès aux sites Web dangereux ou potentiellement indésirables.
388 utilisateurs