Open in Google Chrome Browser tekijä Andy Portmen
Open current page or link in Chrome browser
Tarvitset Firefoxin käyttääksesi tätä laajennusta
Laajennuksen metatiedot
Tietoja tästä laajennuksesta
"Open in Google Chrome" extension is a browser extension that opens the current tab or links in the Google Chrome browser. Using this extension you can send links to Google Chrome without the need to manually copy and paste links. It is even possible to define keyboard shortcuts for easier access (Check the options page for more info).
Send the current page to Chrome by pressing the action button
Send a link in a page to Chrome from right-click context menu
Send a link to Chrome that matches the provided list of hostnames, URLs, or words.
Optionally close the source tab when push to Chrome
Optionally open the link in both browsers
Optionally redirect even the top-level navigation
1. For this extension to open links in the Google Chrome browser you will need to install a minimal native client. The instruction to install the native client is displayed once a link opening is requested.
2. This extension supports managed storage which means some preferences can be configured by the domain administrator
3. This extension can send links on left-click, a combination of the left-click and a keyboard meta key, and top-level navigation
How to install the native client:
Linux and Mac:
The FAQs page of this add-on has Google Analytics code. For more info please visit the "Privacy Policy" section.
--- Legal
Chrome is a trademark of Google Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This extension is an independent project and has no relationship to the Chrome team or Google Inc.
Send the current page to Chrome by pressing the action button
Send a link in a page to Chrome from right-click context menu
Send a link to Chrome that matches the provided list of hostnames, URLs, or words.
Optionally close the source tab when push to Chrome
Optionally open the link in both browsers
Optionally redirect even the top-level navigation
1. For this extension to open links in the Google Chrome browser you will need to install a minimal native client. The instruction to install the native client is displayed once a link opening is requested.
2. This extension supports managed storage which means some preferences can be configured by the domain administrator
3. This extension can send links on left-click, a combination of the left-click and a keyboard meta key, and top-level navigation
How to install the native client:
Linux and Mac:
The FAQs page of this add-on has Google Analytics code. For more info please visit the "Privacy Policy" section.
--- Legal
Chrome is a trademark of Google Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This extension is an independent project and has no relationship to the Chrome team or Google Inc.
Arvioi kokemuksesi
Tue tätä kehittäjää
Tämän laajennuksen kehittäjä pyytää taloudellista tukeasi laajennuksen kehityksen jatkamiseksi.
OikeudetLue lisää
Tämä lisäosa vaatii seuraavat oikeudet:
- Vaihda viestejä muiden ohjelmien kuin Firefoxin kanssa
- Pääsyoikeus selaimen välilehtiin
- Pääsy tietoihisi kaikilla verkkosivuilla
Tämä lisäosa saattaa pyytää myös seuraavia oikeuksia:
- Lataa tiedostoja, sekä lue ja muokkaa selaimen lataushistoriaa
- Lisäosan linkit
- Versio
- 0.3.5
- Koko
- 82,78 kt
- Viimeksi päivitetty
- kolme kuukautta sitten (28. elo 2024)
- Liittyvät luokat
- Lisenssi
- Mozillan julkinen lisenssi 2.0 (MPL)
- Tietosuojakäytäntö
- Lue tämän lisäosan tietosuojakäytäntö
- Versiohistoria
- Tunnisteet
Lisää kokoelmaan
Version 0.3.5 julkaisutiedot
1. Moving Firefox to manifest v3 (for version above 128.0)
Lisää laajennuksia tekijältä Andy Portmen
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