Arviot lisäosalle ContextSearch web-ext
ContextSearch web-ext tekijä Mike B
193 arviota
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Firefox-käyttäjä 13493718, seitsemän vuotta sittenSuper impressive. This is not just another context menu search extension, it's more than that! Unexpected but much appreciated features and customization. Seems to have good support and active development.
- Arvioitu 1/5kirjoittanut Firefox-käyttäjä 12717852, seitsemän vuotta sittenwhen I try to install the app, my antivirus puts it in quarantine. not happy
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lähetetty seitsemän vuotta sittenYou'll have to whitelist the native app with your antivirus software. The app is not digitally signed because it costs money to license a signature, sometimes quite a bit depending on the license length and the company used. The code is available to inspect and build yourself, or you can use the Manual method of importing your search engines which doesn't require the native app. - Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut thinkbear, seitsemän vuotta sitten
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Alan O, seitsemän vuotta sittenThanks! It's perfect. It is also a excelent alternative to "Add to search bar".
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Expmodo, seitsemän vuotta sittenОтличное расширение.
Особенно хорошо сделали опцию для создания поисковой системы через ПКМ по нажатию на поле поиска-сайта, с автоматическим подхватыванием адреса-поиска.
p.s Quick Menu dont working in Firefox 59.
Sorry. Everything is working. It was necessary to simply reinstall.Kehittäjän vastaus
lähetetty seitsemän vuotta sittenHmm that's odd. It's been working for me in FF59. Would you mind answering a few questions so I can help you troubleshoot?
What OS are you using?
What website isn't working?
Is Quick Menu enable in ContextSearch options?
Have you loaded your search engines?
(edit) Good deal! - Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Tobias, seitsemän vuotta sittenVery Nice! Thanks
»Add Custom Search« is super!
:-) - Arvioitu 4/5kirjoittanut syldub, seitsemän vuotta sittenPowerful and nice design, but it does not allow to add new custom search engines... (as it is impossible to add in Firefox too...). So quite useless. I prefer the extension "Context Search WebExtension" which allows custom search engines.
Edit: Thanks for your quick answer.
Actually I hide the Firefox' search text box in order to save space for all my addon icons + my bookmarks in toolbar... (It would be so great to have an additional bookmark toolbar... before I used Classic Theme Restorer which allowed it). So I can't see the green "magnifier" when Firefox detects a search engine.
On top of that, the majority of the websites I use don't have an OpenSearch compliant search box. For instance
So I find the Firefox OpenSearch standard search engine too restrictive. This is not a critic against your addon, but this is a critic to Firefox.Kehittäjän vastaus
lähetetty seitsemän vuotta sittenSearch engines are added using the OpenSearch standard. When you visit a website and see a green circle with a + sign over the magnifying glass in the search bar in the toolbar, that indicates a website has an OpenSearch engine available to add to your Firefox search engine list (Managed from Options->Search->One Click Search Engines). Click the magnifying glass and choose Add "website". You can also visit for tons of OpenSearch templates.
(edit) I added this info to the ReadMe @ github for users unfamiliar with how Firefox handles OpenSearch engines.
(edit2) I'll look into a way of adding custom templates. I've been hesitant to implement anything like that because it would require maintaining a separate list of engines from FF's One-Click list, but it might be doable without getting too messy. Check the beta section in the coming weeks.
(edit3) v1.2.7 betas add the option 'Add Custom Search' to the right-click menu on input forms. - Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Firefox-käyttäjä 13358100, seitsemän vuotta sittenThis was the add on I was waiting for.
- Arvioitu 4/5kirjoittanut eklenti1, seitsemän vuotta sittenInstall a tiny open-source app to keep your search engine list updated autom.
It is much better if you insert this open source plugin into itself. And if possible, when I install the plugin, pop up window is setKehittäjän vastaus
lähetetty seitsemän vuotta sittenOh if only it could be that simple. I could bundle the add-on with the native app, but not the other way around. Unfortunately, in order to keep the add-on hosted by Mozilla, the native app has to be separate.
(edit) I modified the native app install script ( for windows to copy the default profile path to the clipboard to make setup a bit easier - Arvioitu 4/5kirjoittanut Nuno Leal Correia, seitsemän vuotta sitten
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut colonelq, seitsemän vuotta sittenreply thanks
I think good add-on because use in textbox
I'm sorry, my English is not good
"Selection Context Search"(add-on) has function
close the popup window when scrolling
close the popup window after ? seconds
I hope
these two config to addKehittäjän vastaus
lähetetty seitsemän vuotta sittenTry 1.2.4b2. Added a few options for closing plus a way to keep the menu open for clicking multiple search engines
Do you use the 'close after ? seconds' option in the other add-on? It's not difficult to add, but I can't think of a scenario where it's useful. - Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Firefox-käyttäjä 13577709, seitsemän vuotta sittenA few weeks ago, it almost could replace my old extension, that i used before quantum - now its even better.
Thank you :-) - Arvioitu 4/5kirjoittanut Zakka, seitsemän vuotta sitten
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Boaz Dodin, seitsemän vuotta sittenWorks great and fast, great communication with developer on GitHub.
- Arvioitu 4/5kirjoittanut thuerrsch, seitsemän vuotta sittenNice replacement for the old Context Search add-on which I started to miss bitterly right after Firefox 57 came out. Something like this should REALLY be standard in Firefox.
That said, getting the add-on to work in "Automatic" mode on GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, in my case) was a bit of a hassle. The instructions on the GitHub site could be more helpful here. They put too much focus on the location of ContextSearch.json (no, DON'T put that file or anything else under /usr/lib/ or /usr/lib64/, these are to be maintained by your package manager alone) and leave more important points unmentioned.
To make a long story short, I had to do the following:
(1) Put ContextSearch.json and from the git repository into ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/.
(2) Make executable (chmod u+x) AND convert it from CR/LF (Windows) to LF (Unix) line endings so that python can actually run the script. (I also changed the shebang to #!/usr/bin/env python).
(3) Change the path value in ContextSearch.json to the actual location of (why doesn't it just default to ContextSearch.json and being in the same directory?).
(4) Enter the path of my search.json.mozlz4 file in the add-on's preferences.
And hey not-quite-presto, everything works! Well, apart from a few details, like search engines using POST rather then GET requests not working but showing up in the context menu. All in all, a promising extension with a few rough edges.Kehittäjän vastaus
lähetetty seitsemän vuotta sitten(edit3)
Can you tell me which POST engines aren't working? I'll take a look.
1.2.1b6 in the beta section fixed a bug where {searchTerms} in POST was only replaced in the form params and not if it was also included in the url params. If that was causing your issues, give the beta a try.
I've updated the readme at github to better reflect your experience setting up the python script. Let me know if there's anything else that would be helpful for other users installing the native app
The instructions to put the .json in /usr/lib or /usr/lib64 were taken directly from the Firefox documentation for the native app API. On the chance you see this edit, would you mind opening a ticket at github and elaborating on why this incorrect?
(2) Hmm, yeah that probably should be in Unix (LF) Oops, I'll update
(3) That's what the Firefox Native Messaging API requires. Nothing I can do there.
Glad to hear you got it working. You might be the first that used the python script. Guess I'll have to keep it updated :( - Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut graycatgrayhat, seitsemän vuotta sittenPerfect extension for replacing Firefox's built in context menu search which is fairly limited.
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut yomito, seitsemän vuotta sittenAt this moment this extension is the best contextual menu searcher. It made me update to FF 57. Thank you very much.
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Firefox-käyttäjä 13107594, seitsemän vuotta sittenVery handy Context Search is Back in different Shape!!!
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Firefox-käyttäjä 12547439, seitsemän vuotta sittenWorks just like the old contextsearch plug-in on the old firefox version. Added functionality of the quick buttons is a nice touch and being able to resize them is a good option on screens with a very high pixel density.
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut jacek, seitsemän vuotta sitten
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut XNKOI, seitsemän vuotta sitten
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut MisfortuneCookie, seitsemän vuotta sittenUpdate: 5 stars now. Developer quickly added an offset option. Great developer!
A nice replacement for the Context Search pop-up I was using with FF56. One thing that would make it nicer would be an offset option. Currently the auto-pop-up automatically appears over top of the text you had highlighted. The old Context Search plugin I used allowed you to offset the X and Y of the popup by a number of pixels so it would appear where you want it.
Other than that, the only other thing that sucks is Quantum's inability to let you easily add search engines to the search bar, which does limit the use of this plugin somewhat, though that's not the developer's fault.Kehittäjän vastaus
lähetetty seitsemän vuotta sittenEdit 1.2.0
You can now install a native app to keep your search engines updated automatically. Check ContextSearch Options->Search Engines for details
I'll look into making an offset option. I'll edit this post with a beta link when I have something.
(edit) check the latest releases - Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut sign-in-smth, seitsemän vuotta sittenedit4: (
yes this version works nicely here too, tried it near the scrollbar, with and without zoom.
excellent support as always, thank you!!Kehittäjän vastaus
lähetetty seitsemän vuotta sittenre: !! edit3: (1.1.2)
That's strange. I think you've mentioned that issue before but I can only replicate it by resizing the browser after the quickmenu is open. I think I've got a fix in mind. I'll put up a beta in a few if I've got it.
re #6 Still has issues with zoom, reverting back to 1.1.2 for now
re #7 Last patch of the day. seems to be working for me