Arviot lisäosalle Better Twitter
Better Twitter tekijä Razvan Caliman
78 arviota
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut moriwaka, kuusi vuotta sitten
- Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Grayson Peddie, kuusi vuotta sittenThis is an extension that I need to block away the "Trends for you" so I won't get into politics and conspiracies with the Presidential candidates for the 2019 election. "Trends for you" in Twitter is a place where misinformation is rampant. That's why I simply want a better Twitter experience for myself.
Also, "who to follow" is not of relevance to me as I simply do not trust their algorithms without a human element. It's akin to a stranger telling me who to follow.
Anyway, thanks for the extension. - Arvioitu 5/5kirjoittanut Firefox-käyttäjä 13989981, kuusi vuotta sittenAwesome! Works EXACTLY as advertised.