Vimium C - All by Keyboard version history - ۲۵ versions
Vimium C - All by Keyboard Dahan Gong توسط
Be careful with old versions! These versions are displayed for testing and reference purposes.You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Latest version
Version 1.99.997
Released ۱۷ دسامبر ۲۰۲۳ - ۳۶۵٫۱۸ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later#### v1.99.997
* fix some crashes of web pages and the extension itself
#### v1.99.995
* Marks: fix the mistake that `.prefix` was enabled by default and matches wrong URLs (breaking)
* now align with philc/Vimium's in common situations
* `.parent: boolean` is added to re-enable the old behavior
* fix usages of inner clipboard
* fix conflicts of `runKey` and the `$retry` counter
* LinkHints: add `newtab=inactive` to always switch back to a current tab, whatever a page script does
* LinkHints: add `.autoChild: boolean | css-selector` to click not a hinted element but its topest or matched child
* editText: add a new action of `blank` to trigger `.$else` if a `when` condition is mismatched
* focusInput: now try updating its hinting rectangular after focusing
* fix some small usagesSource code released under MIT License
Download Firefox and get the extensionYou'll need Firefox to use this extensionOlder versions
Version 1.99.995
Released ۲۲ ژوئیه ۲۰۲۳ - ۳۶۴٫۹۷ KBWorks with firefox 69.0 and laterv1.99.995:
* fix broken LinkHints
* Marks: fix the mistake that `.prefix` was enabled by default and matches wrong URLs (breaking)
* now align with philc/Vimium's in common situations
* `.parent: boolean` is added to re-enable the old behavior
* fix usages of inner clipboard
* fix conflicts of `runKey` and the `$retry` counter
* LinkHints: add `newtab=inactive` to always switch back to a current tab, whatever a page script does
* LinkHints: add `.autoChild: boolean | css-selector` to click not a hinted element but its topest or matched child
* editText: add a new action of `blank` to trigger `.$else` if a `when` condition is mismatched
* focusInput: now try updating its hinting rectangular after focusing
* fix some smSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.993
Released ۱۵ ژوئیه ۲۰۲۳ - ۳۶۵٫۰۴ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* Marks: fix the mistake that `.prefix` was enabled by default and matches wrong URLs (breaking)
* now align with philc/Vimium's in common situations
* `.parent: boolean` is added to re-enable the old behavior
* fix usages of inner clipboard
* fix conflicts of `runKey` and the `$retry` counter
* LinkHints: add `newtab=inactive` to always switch back to a current tab, whatever a page script does
* LinkHints: add `.autoChild: boolean | css-selector` to click not a hinted element but its topest or matched child
* editText: add a new action of `blank` to trigger `.$else` if a `when` condition is mismatched
* focusInput: now try updating its hinting rectangular after focusing
* fix some small usagesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.992
Released ۱۱ ژوئن ۲۰۲۳ - ۳۶۴٫۲۷ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* fix broken long key sequences in ke mappings
* some Ctrl/Alt shortcuts of Vomnibar are removed if in conflict with system's default usages
* fix some tip text
* basic support for popover
* autoCopy now supports .type=tab-url/tab-title and other `type` values of `copyWindowInfo`Source code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.991
Released ۱۳ مه ۲۰۲۳ - ۳۶۳٫۶۲ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* FindMode: fix some issues when highlighting all matches
* fix broken scrolling when a page is pinch-zoomed
* key mappings: `env` now supports `incognito: boolean`
* fix some UI issues on macOS, Ubuntu or FirefoxSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.99
Released ۱۶ آوریل ۲۰۲۳ - ۳۶۳٫۲۲ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* key mappings: support `map!` and `#if`/`#else`/`#endif` and even nested pairs
* use `map!` and `run!` to make a mapping work in both normal and plain insert mode
* support `unmap <esc>` and `unmap <c-[>` to disable them in normal mode
* change how `runKey` and `run` rules gets parsed
* use `\\<LF>` to merge two lines and strip whitespace prefix characters of a second line
* text substitution: add a inner temporary clipboard and then
* substitution and `runKey mask` can read/write it,
* so that command may create complex `runKey` task from text in system clipboard easily
* now when `<*-modifier>` works as a first prefix key, it will end in 3 seconds
* the key will be passed to web page scripts, to work better with `*+Letter`
* LinkHints: support more usages including `LinkHints.activateOpenUrl`
* `LinkHints.activateCopyImage` supports `.url` to copy URL instead
* Vomnibar: de-duplicate tab and history suggestions if possible
* now also list closed browser window sessions
* change what's copied on `Ctrl+C` and `Ctrl+Shift+C`
* fix support for macbook touchpad
* Scroller: fix checks of whether an area should be scrolled or not
* VisualMode: fix the logic of scrolling caret into view
* Now `f` and `F` can open Find bar and then extend selection to a match
* `nextTab`/.../`visitPreviousTab`: support `blur: boolean | host-matcher-string` to grab focus from input again
* `focusInput` now supports `clickable` and `clickableOnHost`
* `editText`: add `when` clause to control what to do
* `confirm`: will show a prompt dialog; parameters are `ask: string, $then, minRepeat=1`
* fix quite a few edge casesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.97
Released ۲۲ دسامبر ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۵۵٫۶۲ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* v1.99.97:
* UI: on macOS, prefer Menlo and Monaco in monospace fonts by default
* fix the newly broken command of "dispatchEvent"
* fix exclusions rule changes can not be saved on options page
* FindMode: fix compatibility with `scroll-behavior: smooth`
* VisualMode: line mode: try its best to make moving work
* now the word block list also applies on bookmark paths
* fix some other bugs and usage issuesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.96
Released ۷ دسامبر ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۵۵٫۵۵ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* fix exclusions rule changes can not be saved on options page
* FindMode: fix compatibility with `scroll-behavior: smooth`
* VisualMode: line mode: try its best to make moving work
* fix some other bugs and usage issuesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.90
Released ۲۲ نوامبر ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۵۴٫۹۴ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and laterv1.99.9:
* v1.99.90: fix a new bug of LinkHints
* Marks: rewrite logic again (and add parameters) to fix bugs since v1.99.4
* work around broken `KeyboardEvent.repeat` of Firefox in Wayland mode
* LinkHints: now show hints for SVG icons with a cursor of pointer
* `reload` and `Marks.activate`: auto go to a parent frame from an `about:` frame
* **experimental**: auto release resources on inactive pages,
to prepare for Manifest V3 of extensions
* v1.99.8: fix broken goNext and support for sandboxed `about:blank` iframes
* v1.99.6/7: fix imported bugs in key mappings
* Vomnibar: fix unexpected white background color on Firefox 106+
* change labels for tabs and now support `:active` and `:new`
* vomnibar options: `styles` field: support `wheel-speed=<number>`
* v1.99.6: work around dark reader's `Filter(+)` mode on Firefox
* LinkHints: improves "tooHigh" mode and support `longPage=true` to disable it
* v1.99.6: add `bubbles=true` to bubble `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` events
* VisualMode: `caret` mode: allow `aw` and `as` to select a range, but not unconditionally collapse into one character
* plain insert mode: now allow `mapKey x <v-xxx>` to create shortcuts like `:` + `xxx`
* `runKey`: change the way of parsing nested `runKey` commands to work with `.mask` better
* `vimium://run` in search engines: queries are joined by `%20` by default
* add/open bookmark: add `path` and support both folders and URL nodes
* `dispatchEvent`: add `trusted=true` to make Vimium C itself handle the simulated keys
* now can detect focused editable boxes in more edge cases
* fix many small bugs and add more parameters for commandSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.9
Released ۲۰ نوامبر ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۵۴٫۹۱ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and laterv1.99.9:
* Marks: rewrite logic again (and add parameters) to fix bugs since v1.99.4
* work around broken `KeyboardEvent.repeat` of Firefox in Wayland mode
* LinkHints: now show hints for SVG icons with a cursor of pointer
* `reload` and `Marks.activate`: auto go to a parent frame from an `about:` frame
* **experimental**: auto release resources on inactive pages,
to prepare for Manifest V3 of extensions
* v1.99.8: fix broken goNext and support for sandboxed `about:blank` iframes
* v1.99.6/7: fix imported bugs in key mappings
* Vomnibar: fix unexpected white background color on Firefox 106+
* change labels for tabs and now support `:active` and `:new`
* vomnibar options: `styles` field: support `wheel-speed=<number>`
* v1.99.6: work around dark reader's `Filter(+)` mode on Firefox
* LinkHints: improves "tooHigh" mode and support `longPage=true` to disable it
* v1.99.6: add `bubbles=true` to bubble `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` events
* VisualMode: `caret` mode: allow `aw` and `as` to select a range, but not unconditionally collapse into one character
* plain insert mode: now allow `mapKey x <v-xxx>` to create shortcuts like `:` + `xxx`
* `runKey`: change the way of parsing nested `runKey` commands to work with `.mask` better
* `vimium://run` in search engines: queries are joined by `%20` by default
* add/open bookmark: add `path` and support both folders and URL nodes
* `dispatchEvent`: add `trusted=true` to make Vimium C itself handle the simulated keys
* now can detect focused editable boxes in more edge cases
* fix many small bugs and add more parameters for commandSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.8
Released ۱۵ نوامبر ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۵۴٫۲۸ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* **experimental**: auto release resources on inactive pages,
to prepare for Manifest V3 of extensions
* v1.99.8: fix broken goNext and support for sandboxed `about:blank` iframes
* v1.99.6/7: fix imported bugs in key mappings
* Vomnibar: fix unexpected white background color on Firefox 106+
* change labels for tabs and now support `:active` and `:new`
* vomnibar options: `styles` field: support `wheel-speed=<number>`
* v1.99.6: work around dark reader's `Filter(+)` mode on Firefox
* LinkHints: improves "tooHigh" mode and support `longPage=true` to disable it
* v1.99.6: add `bubbles=true` to bubble `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` events
* VisualMode: `caret` mode: allow `aw` and `as` to select a range, but not unconditionally collapse into one character
* plain insert mode: now allow `mapKey x <v-xxx>` to create shortcuts like `:` + `xxx`
* `runKey`: change the way of parsing nested `runKey` commands to work with `.mask` better
* `vimium://run` in search engines: queries are joined by `%20` by default
* add/open bookmark: add `path` and support both folders and URL nodes
* `dispatchEvent`: add `trusted=true` to make Vimium C itself handle the simulated keys
* now can detect focused editable boxes in more edge cases
* fix many small bugs and add more parameters for commandSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.7
Released ۷ نوامبر ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۵۳٫۷۵ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* **experimental**: auto release resources on inactive pages,
to prepare for Manifest V3 of extensions
* v1.99.6/7: fix imported bugs in key mappings
* Vomnibar: fix unexpected white background color on Firefox 106+
* change labels for tabs and now support `:active` and `:new`
* vomnibar options: `styles` field: support `wheel-speed=<number>`
* v1.99.6: work around dark reader's `Filter(+)` mode on Firefox
* LinkHints: improves "tooHigh" mode and support `longPage=true` to disable it
* v1.99.6: add `bubbles=true` to bubble `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` events
* VisualMode: `caret` mode: allow `aw` and `as` to select a range, but not unconditionally collapse into one character
* plain insert mode: now allow `mapKey x <v-xxx>` to create shortcuts like `:` + `xxx`
* `runKey`: change the way of parsing nested `runKey` commands to work with `.mask` better
* `vimium://run` in search engines: queries are joined by `%20` by default
* add/open bookmark: add `path` and support both folders and URL nodes
* `dispatchEvent`: add `trusted=true` to make Vimium C itself handle the simulated keys
* now can detect focused editable boxes in more edge cases
* fix many small bugs and add more parameters for commandSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.5
Released ۶ نوامبر ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۵۳٫۰۲ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* **experimental**: auto release resources on inactive pages,
to prepare for Manifest V3 of extensions
* Vomnibar: fix unexpected white background color on Firefox 106+
* change labels for tabs and now support `:active` and `:new`
* vomnibar options: `styles` field: support `wheel-speed=<number>`
* LinkHints: improves "tooHigh" mode and support `longPage=true` to disable it
* VisualMode: `caret` mode: allow `aw` and `as` to select a range, but not unconditionally collapse into one character
* plain insert mode: now allow `mapKey x <v-xxx>` to create shortcuts like `:` + `xxx`
* `runKey`: change the way of parsing nested `runKey` commands to work with `.mask` better
* `vimium://run` in search engines: queries are joined by `%20` by default
* add/open bookmark: add `path` and support both folders and URL nodes
* `dispatchEvent`: add `trusted=true` to make Vimium C itself handle the simulated keys
* now can detect focused editable boxes in more edge cases
* fix many small bugs and add more parameters for commandSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.3
Released ۱۹ اوت ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۴۹٫۴ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* v1.99.3: fix broken `<v-***>` in Normal and Insert mode
* v1.99.2: fix a bug of not recognizing old configuration about `Ignore keyboard layout`
* v1.99.1+2: `<v-***>`: fix issues and now support key sequences starting with `<v-***>`, even in command modes
* VisualMode: fix `as` (selecting a sentence) on Firefox
* sync settings: fix it would almost never sync from the cloud
* Vomnibar: fix settings of `Ignore keyboard layout` and `Allow mapping one-hand modifier keys` were not obeyed
* keyboard layout support: now **ignore non-ASCII letters when in some commands** by default
* if a key is not in ASCII (e.g. but a Greek letter), then try ignoring its keyboard layout
* to support inner shortcuts in those modes even in a non-English layout
* you may apply this behavior to all modes including `Normal` and `Insert` on the Options page
* Options: add a test box to show key names directly received from a browser
* add `LinkHints.activateCopyImage` to copy images into the system clipboard
* Firefox will always convert an image to PNG and drop transparent effect
* if it fails on a website, please try adding a parameter of `richText=safe`
* Vomnibar: tabs mode: recognize `:xxx` filters even if there're other query words
* add `:group` to show tabs in a same group
* FindMode: add `highlight: boolean | number` to show outline boxes for "near" matches
* FindMode: now type `\0` to pause instant search until an `Enter`
* `goNext`: fix some wrong targets on
* improve the logic to detect clickable elements and their titles
* add `avoidClick` to avoid simulating click if possible
* open URLs: now support `reuse=reuse-in-cur-wnd` to only reuse tabs in a same window
* add an experimental feature to auto restart Vimium C on pages using `` and `document.write`
* fix some other issuesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.2
Released ۱۶ اوت ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۴۹٫۳ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* v1.99.2: fix a bug of not recognizing old configuration about `Ignore keyboard layout`
* v1.99.1+2: `<v-***>`: fix issues and now support key sequences starting with `<v-***>`, even in command modes
* VisualMode: fix `as` (selecting a sentence) on Firefox
* sync settings: fix it would almost never sync from the cloud
* Vomnibar: fix settings of `Ignore keyboard layout` and `Allow mapping one-hand modifier keys` were not obeyed
* keyboard layout support: now **ignore non-ASCII letters when in some commands** by default
* if a key is not in ASCII (e.g. but a Greek letter), then try ignoring its keyboard layout
* to support inner shortcuts in those modes even in a non-English layout
* you may apply this behavior to all modes including `Normal` and `Insert` on the Options page
* Options: add a test box to show key names directly received from a browser
* add `LinkHints.activateCopyImage` to copy images into the system clipboard
* Firefox will always convert an image to PNG and drop transparent effect
* if it fails on a website, please try adding a parameter of `richText=safe`
* Vomnibar: tabs mode: recognize `:xxx` filters even if there're other query words
* add `:group` to show tabs in a same group
* FindMode: add `highlight: boolean | number` to show outline boxes for "near" matches
* FindMode: now type `\0` to pause instant search until an `Enter`
* `goNext`: fix some wrong targets on
* improve the logic to detect clickable elements and their titles
* add `avoidClick` to avoid simulating click if possible
* open URLs: now support `reuse=reuse-in-cur-wnd` to only reuse tabs in a same window
* add an experimental feature to auto restart Vimium C on pages using `` and `document.write`
* fix some other issuesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.1
Released ۱۳ اوت ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۴۹٫۱۶ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* v1.99.1: `<v-***>`: fix issues and now support key sequences starting with `<v-***>`, even in command modes
* VisualMode: fix `as` (selecting a sentence) on Firefox
* sync settings: fix it would almost never sync from the cloud
* Vomnibar: fix settings of `Ignore keyboard layout` and `Allow mapping one-hand modifier keys` were not obeyed
* keyboard layout support: now **ignore non-ASCII letters when in some commands** by default
* if a key is not in ASCII (e.g. but a Greek letter), then try ignoring its keyboard layout
* to support inner shortcuts in those modes even in a non-English layout
* you may apply this behavior to all modes including `Normal` and `Insert` on the Options page
* Options: add a test box to show key names directly received from a browser
* add `LinkHints.activateCopyImage` to copy images into the system clipboard
* Firefox will always convert an image to PNG and drop transparent effect
* if it fails on a website, please try adding a parameter of `richText=safe`
* Vomnibar: tabs mode: recognize `:xxx` filters even if there're other query words
* add `:group` to show tabs in a same group
* FindMode: add `highlight: boolean | number` to show outline boxes for "near" matches
* FindMode: now type `\0` to pause instant search until an `Enter`
* `goNext`: fix some wrong targets on
* improve the logic to detect clickable elements and their titles
* add `avoidClick` to avoid simulating click if possible
* open URLs: now support `reuse=reuse-in-cur-wnd` to only reuse tabs in a same window
* add an experimental feature to auto restart Vimium C on pages using `` and `document.write`
* fix some other issuesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.99.0
Released ۱۰ اوت ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۴۸٫۵ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* VisualMode: fix `as` (selecting a sentence) on Firefox
* sync settings: fix it would almost never sync from the cloud
* Vomnibar: fix settings of `Ignore keyboard layout` and `Allow mapping one-hand modifier keys` were not obeyed
* keyboard layout support: now **ignore non-ASCII letters when in some commands** by default
* if a key is not in ASCII (e.g. but a Greek letter), then try ignoring its keyboard layout
* to support inner shortcuts in those modes even in a non-English layout
* you may apply this behavior to all modes including `Normal` and `Insert` on the Options page
* Options: add a test box to show key names directly received from a browser
* add `LinkHints.activateCopyImage` to copy images into the system clipboard
* Firefox will always convert an image to PNG and drop transparent effect
* if it fails on a website, please try adding a parameter of `richText=safe`
* Vomnibar: tabs mode: recognize `:xxx` filters even if there're other query words
* add `:group` to show tabs in a same group
* FindMode: add `highlight: boolean | number` to show outline boxes for "near" matches
* FindMode: now type `\0` to pause instant search until an `Enter`
* `goNext`: fix some wrong targets on
* improve the logic to detect clickable elements and their titles
* add `avoidClick` to avoid simulating click if possible
* open URLs: now support `reuse=reuse-in-cur-wnd` to only reuse tabs in a same window
* add an experimental feature to auto restart Vimium C on pages using `` and `document.write`
* fix some other issuesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.98.3
Released ۲۱ ژوئن ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۳۹٫۵ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* fix some bugs in v1.98.1 and v1.98.2
* fix a scrolling target might change unexpectedly on a second `scroll*`
* Vomnibar: fix broken `Ctrl+C` when the input box is focused
* fix `VisualMode` may fail to init
* fix broken `mapKey xxx <v-xxx>`
* VisualMode: fix `as` and `ap` didn't work
* fix a bug of losing nested parameters in `run key xxx`
* now `unmap` + `0~9/-` will make such keys passed by default
* and `unmap 0` will make a following `map 0 xxx` validSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.98.2
Released ۹ ژوئن ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۳۹٫۲۸ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* fix v1.98.1 scrolls much longer on a screen of 95-149 FPS
* fix `Marks.activate` fails to scroll pages in v1.98.1Source code released under MIT License
Version 1.98.1
Released ۵ ژوئن ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۳۹٫۲۶ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* fix configurations were hardly ever synchronized
* Firefox 96+: fix LinkHints may open a link twice
* fix it could not find some clickable elements
* enable `Auto reduce UI motions following your system settings` by default
* `<v-***>` mapped by `mapKey` now works in almost all command modes and will trigger its mapped command
* key mappings: improve support for the `\` character
* LinkHints/Scroller/focusInput/goNext: now support `clickableOnHost` and `excludeOnHost`
* e.g.: `excludeOnHost="\\bgoogle##.g;\\bbing\\.com##.b_algo"`
* Vomnibar: refresh suggestions immediately on a new `space` character
* Vomnibar: now can substitute a suggestion URL before opening it, following `sedKeys` and `itemSedKeys`
* Vomnibar: rewrite actions of some shortcuts with <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> / <kbd>Alt</kbd>
* FindMode: now support multiline queries in its history
* Scroller: now auto select page center if nothing has been scrolled
* `enterInsertMode`: show a tip if `hideHUD` is enabled, instead of running silently
* add more parameters and usages to some commands
* better support for many edge cases like fullscreen modeSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.98.0
Released ۱۲ آوریل ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۳۵٫۷ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* FindMode,VisualMode: support `mapKey <xxx:f> <v-xxx>` (and `:v`) to trigger commands
* LinkHints,`dispatchEvent`: support `xy="x[,y[,scale]]"` and x/y can be `"count"`
* `"count"` will be replaced by `count * scale (0.01)`; an empty value of x / y means 0.5
* if `abs(x) <= 1`, x will be `rect edge size * x`
* so `xy="count"` means `[count * 0.01, 0.5]`
* also fix selection of target element, and now run rules in order
* fix a bug affecting suggestion order in Vomnibar
* fix logic conflicts in per-mode `mapKey`
* fix broken `prevent browser from caching images`, `NewTab Url` and `Vomnibar page`
* LinkHints: add `.retainInput` to reuse old text query when in filter and queue mode
* LinkHints: now simulates `contextmenu` on `button="right"`
* support the `<contextmenu>` key (when a browser supports)
* text substitution: support `base64` (as `base64-encode`), `base64-decode`, `json` and `json-parse`
* Vomnibar: add an option of `itemKeyword` which works after `itemSedKeys`
* copyWindowInfo: add `type="host"`
* fix some found bugs and compatibility issuesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.97.0
Released ۲۲ مارس ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۳۳٫۶۹ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* fix opening duplicated tabs on a latest Firefox ESR 91
* work around <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> and <kbd>Shift</kbd> detection if `privacy.resistFingerprinting` is true
* LinkHints: add `showUrl=true` to simulate browsers' URL HUD for `activate` and `activateHover`
* Vomnibar: add `itemSedKeys` to apply text substitution onto suggestion URLs on Enter
* in omni mode, now `:i AbCd` means `abcd` by default
* VisualMode: fix crashes that Firefox doesn't support some granularities
* Scroller: now guess the refresh rate of your monitor, so that scroll more smoothly
* `openUrl`: now trust URLs built using search engines and text substitution rules
* `joinTabs`: `filter` supports `!=` and more keywords
* `sortTabs`: `order` supports negative fields like `-time`
* text substitution: for a string list, now apply rules once a line, but not join them firstly (breaking)
* and auto parse `<URL>` into target URLs when copy and paste
* `passNextKey`: now it still works even if triggered it in InsertMode
* also add `normal="force"` to work even if no exclusion rules matched
* many other improvements and bug fixesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.96.6
Released ۳ فوریه ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۳۳٫۳۷ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* better support for Firefox 96+ and fix detection of Firefox version
* LinkHints: better support for `privacy.resistFingerprinting` on Firefox
* Scroller: change the default duration from 100ms to 120ms, and make it configurable
* and then it can scroll by only expected pixels
* fix some other bugsSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.96.4
Released ۲۴ ژانویه ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۳۳٫۰۱ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* fix some found bugs, like LinkHints on Google search results
* LinkHints:
* add `activeOnCtrl` for Firefox to switch meaning of `Ctrl` and `Ctrl+Shift`
* fix some issues since Firefox 96
* use `then: string` as a following command in most modesSource code released under MIT License
Version 1.96.3
Released ۱۰ ژانویه ۲۰۲۲ - ۳۳۲٫۴۷ KBWorks with firefox 63.0 and later* fix some bugs
* `LinkHints.activateCopyLinkText` and `copyWindowInfo`: support `${field1 || field2}`
* map `yv` to `LinkHints.activateModeToSelect` by defaultSource code released under MIT License