بازخوردها برای Kaspersky Protection
Kaspersky Protection Kaspersky توسط
۶۰ reviews
- Rated ۲ out of 5by XCallite, ۱۰ ماه پیشIt is far behind other ad blocking addons. It needs to be improved.
- Rated ۲ out of 5by impact@newtelsurf.com, ۱۰ ماه پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 14717746, یک سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 14102012, یک سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 18224695, یک سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 18098879, یک سال پیشNo way to disable the annoying "secure keyboard input is enabled" popup every time I click on a text field without totally disabling secure keyboard input. Just give me an option to not alert me of this every time, please.
- Rated ۲ out of 5by aravind, یک سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by salama, یک سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 17997740, ۲ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 17932971, ۲ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Gary, ۲ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 17884653, ۲ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Francisco, ۲ سال پیشPassou a causar travamentos no firefox, congelamentos esporádicos mas diários. Ocorre em todos os meus computadores. Permanece após restauração do firefox, limpeza de cache, cookies, etc. A única forma de parar os travamentos é removendo a extensão, precisei fazer isto em três computadores.
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 17912097, ۲ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by ekogaia, ۲ سال پیشI've been having problems with heavy resource use on firefox, particularly of CPU. After checking individual exenstions I found that Kaspersky browser extension was the culprit and seriously hogs both RAM and CPU. Turning it off solves the resource problem.
As I have full (paid for!!!!) Kaspersky suite installed I'm not sure what the logic is of having to instal another app to manage browsing for the same product.
I think the developers need to look at this issue. - Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 14622597, ۲ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 12122576, ۲ سال پیشРебята, пошевелитесь уже, расширение невероятно грузит процессор. Ау!
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 17709195, ۲ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Edelson, ۲ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by gante, ۲ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Gex, ۳ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 17360168, ۳ سال پیش
- Rated ۲ out of 5by Firefox user 17298831, ۳ سال پیش