支持 ChatGpt, Google Bard - 中国可访问 - ChatFree
ChatFree是一款全能型AI助手,基于OpenAI ChatGPT 4 和 Google Bard,支持在会话中完成各种任务,如画图、写诗、写歌、写作等等。无论你是学生、老师、科研、程序员等等任何角色,都可以利用ChatFree释放你的创造力和生产力。
66 users
Reddit media page cleanup
Shows only the image file on Reddit media pages (such as "<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/81e40807248441ca24f789047ae28a7a8266f8ad344ea6f4977e4473d60d20e5/http%3A//i.redd.it" rel="nofollow">i.redd.it</a>"), and redirects "<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/8e73e8b6575335896f295209eb7b291999654798ffcb596097c6a3cafd045683/http%3A//preview.redd.it" rel="nofollow">preview.redd.it</a>" links to the high-quality "<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/81e40807248441ca24f789047ae28a7a8266f8ad344ea6f4977e4473d60d20e5/http%3A//i.redd.it" rel="nofollow">i.redd.it</a>". This improves loading speed, removes trackers and fixes the broken zooming.
60 users
Open Reddit images directly
Forces images on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/81e40807248441ca24f789047ae28a7a8266f8ad344ea6f4977e4473d60d20e5/http%3A//i.redd.it" rel="nofollow">i.redd.it</a> and <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/8e73e8b6575335896f295209eb7b291999654798ffcb596097c6a3cafd045683/http%3A//preview.redd.it" rel="nofollow">preview.redd.it</a> to open directly in the browser, rather than being embedded in a splash page.
59 users
SpeedMaster: Custom Playback Speed for Videos
This addon allows you to break free from traditional speed limits on any video website. With the ability to set customised playback speeds without constraints. SpeedMaster also lets you add quick buttons for instant access to your preferred speeds.
58 users
Control for Reddit
Lets you take control of your time by limiting Reddit features
55 users
Redirect to privacy-friendly alternatives
55 users
49 users
CS Stats Viewer
Finds ESEA and FaceIt accounts and displays them on a Steam profile. Also allows users to quickly view detailed stats on ESEA users when hovering on them on the ESEA website.
47 users
46 users
Firefox add-on to get waifu images. Click on the extension icon to open the popup and press "New Waifu" to get an image of an anime girl. Information about the image, such as the source link, can be viewed by pressing the "Info" button.
45 users
Shodo - 日本語校正クラウド
ShodoはSNSやメールで使える日本語の校正、チェックツールです。 メールの下書きやSNSの投稿時に、おかしな日本語がないか、読みにくくなっていないかなどを自動で確認できます。
45 users
Companion for Reddit
Redditor best friend. Enhancement Suite and Sidebar for Reddit and Subreddit. Lite, Mini and Light version for Firefox.
45 users
Hides nsfw posts on reddit and redirects nsfw subreddits.
44 users
FX OSK DE (fixed)
Bildschirmtastatur mit deutschem Layout
41 users
本插件让用户在浏览豆瓣网站时,轻松查看图书馆的藏书情况。 它提供了图书所在馆、编码、可借数量等信息, 让用户更便捷地找到需要的图书资源。省去了单独查询图书馆的步骤,让图书查询变得更高效便捷。
41 users
Reddit UI Redirector
Redirects reddit.com to new.reddit.com
39 users
Lemmy Keyboard Navigation
Easily navigate Lemmy with your keyboard.
38 users
Reddit Gallery
Turns old reddit into an image gallery. This addon is still in beta testing.
38 users
Temp Gmail - Free Temporary Gmail Address
Temp Gmail offers free temp gmail addresses for safeguarding your online privacy. Get instant, secure gmail without registration.
36 users
35 users
Copy/paste/save high-quality images of your Reddit Avatar.
32 users
The Reading Ruler
A ruler that overlays a website to help you read. Helpful for people who struggle with reading and retaining information.
30 users
New Tab Changer
Load a custom web page or url in a new tab. Fast, light, and easy to use.
30 users
PackPack - AI bookmark manager
Articles, social media posts, images, videos and more — AI makes everything savable and easily readable.
30 users
Discussions on Hacker News, Reddit and Lobsters
See discussions and comments from Hacker News, Reddit and Lobsters for the pages you visit.
30 users