Let me paste!
Lets you paste in text boxes when websites normally forbid it.
0 users
Semua situs yang anda jalani akan dilakukan pemrosesan secara mendalam dengan Artificial Intelligence dan beberapa tools keamanan untuk dilihat prediksi dan probabilitas keamanan situs tersebut. Semakin PANDAI dengan PINDAI
0 users
Switer Safe Browsing
Switer Safe Browsing is a premium search extension that protects you from malware viruses and phishing.
0 users
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Checks the users time and then shows a new travel theme every hour.
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Lite Netfilter
Simple and lite Ad Block.
0 users
Rilevamento Phishing - Italian Phishing Detection
Fornisce una protezione dalle minacce di phishing sfruttando un modello di machine learning dedicato bloccando anche gli script. ** Provides protection against phishing threats leveraging a dedicated machine learning model while also blocking script.
0 users
Hypertext HTML Blocker
This extension blocks all webpages, allowing Firefox to realise its true potential as a PDF viewer.
0 users
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Cydog Toolkit
This extension is a toolkit for users that do not use Cydog Browser-related features to encourage good browsing habits.
0 users
URL Original
Protects users against website impersonation and phishing, ensuring safe browsing and personal data protection.
0 users
German Speed reader New Tab
Improve your german with these reading tests loaded on the new tab
0 users