Historial de versiones de Forward

15 versiones

¡Ten cuidado con las versiones antiguas!

Estas versiones se muestran con propósitos de referencia y pruebas. Debes usar siempre la última versión de un complemento.

Versión 0.19 25.6 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 60.*

  • Fixed compatibility with Thunderbird 45
  • Fixed compatibility issue with CompactHeader extension
  • Improved memory management by removing functions that are no longer used
  • Added Bulgarian (bg) and Ukrainian (uk-UA) locales

Versión 0.18 25.1 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 38.*

Bug 508250 was Fixed in Thunderbird 24.0, incorporating a lot of functionality of this extension in standard Thunderbird.

Changes for this version:
  • Fix retrieving of preference for default forwarding method
  • Fix bug in changing forward as attachments to default action when you have selected more than one message
  • Wrapped javascript for filters in an anonymous function to avoid bleeding of constants
  • Move all strings to extension to avoid string changes in Thunderbird
  • Define all event handlers using addEventListener

Versión 0.17 20.8 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 23.*

Version 0.17
  • Fixed issue which prevented the Mail Toolbar Forward button from working with Thunderbird ESR
  • Moved command controller code inside extension namespace

Version 0.16
  • Updated Forward to keep compatible with Thunderbird 18+
  • Added Forward as Attachments to Message menu and App menu and changed it to be the default action when you have selected more than one message
  • Fixed issue with header forward button caused by resolving Thunderbird bug 478468
  • Fixed compatibility issue with CompactHeader extension
  • Fixed call to error logging function
  • Removed Macedonian locale, since Thunderbird itself isn't available in Macedonian language
  • Wrapped all javascript in an anonymous function to avoid bleeding of constants

Versión 0.15 18.5 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 19.0a2

  • Added custom filter actions to forward message inline or as attachment
  • Fixed compatibility issue with other extension

Versión 0.14 15.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 17.0a2

  • Changed license to Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
  • Defined event handlers using addEventListener instead of oncommand attribute
  • Added localized strings for mail context menu
  • Added Arabic (ar), Finnish (fi), Greek (el), Korean (ko), Lithuanian (lt) and Slovak (sk) locales
  • Renamed Hebrew localization from he-IL to he, Japanese from ja-JP to ja, Macedonian from mk-MK to mk and Turkish from tr-TR to stay in sync with Mozilla

Versión 0.13 13.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 13.0a2

  • Removed update check and splash screen
  • Changed javascript comparisons to exact equivalents

Versión 0.12 13.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 7.*

  • Platform specific styling of forward button for Windows, Linux and Mac
  • Added cs and hu localization

Versión 0.11 12.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.3a3

- Fixed packaging error
- Added sv-SE localization

Versión 0.10 11.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.3a1

- Fixed header forward button styling error for Mac
- Added fy-NL and ja-JP localization

Versión 0.9 11.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.1.*

- Fixed error in stylesheet for header forward button
- Fixed error in mail context menu
- Better support for localization of toolbar forward button

Versión 0.8 11.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.0.*

- Wrapped all javascript inside a variable
- Fixed error with toggling between plain text and html
- Fixed error with different themes/platforms
- Fixed error in forward as context menu for forwarding as attachment
- Better compatibility with other extensions
- Added da-DK, es-ES, he-IL, it, mk-MK, nb-NO, no-NO, sq, zh-TW l10n

Versión 0.7 9.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.0.*

- Added header forward button for Thunderbird 3.0
- Added de, fa-IR, fr, pt-BR, pt-PT, ru, sr-RS, tr, zh-CN l10n

Versión 0.6 6.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.0b4

- Removed access key from button menuitems for compatibility with Thunderbird 3.0

Versión 0.4 14.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.0b1

- Added compatibility with Thunderbird 3.0
- Fixed positioning error of button menu

Versión 0.3 6.0 KiB Funciona con Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

Fixed bug with empty tooltips for button labels
Ucfirst instead of Start Case change for button labels